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ANKARA: Crusader Murmurs in Cyberspace

Zaman, Turkey
Aug 10 2004

Crusader Murmurs in Cyberspace


Don’t mind the fact that Brussels is in a summer hibernation. There
are plenty of scenarios around about the answer to be given to Turkey
in December.

It is understood from the rumors that the special partnership offer,
which was regarded as a serious option in 2002, is no longer an
alternative. The possible answer fluctuates between a “conditional
yes” and Turkey’s expectation, an “unconditional yes,” and the
formula that also foresees the start of negotiations in February or
in March at the latest. The “‘conditional yes” has many formulas
including one close to saying “no,” and one close to an
“unconditional yes.”

The certain deletion of “no” appears to have stirred up Turkey’s
opponents in Europe even more. Internet sites that are against
Turkey, are putting up a great struggle, thinking that they are
losing the battle on the political level.

The answer to be given to Turkey, is one of the most popular topics
on the Internet sites, that publish news about the European Union
(EU). Every news about Turkey receives dozens of e-mails. Turkey’s
opponents have not only stormed these sites with reactions, they have
also established special Internet sites to prevent the EU membership
of Turkey. Some of these sites have prepared drafts of letters to be
sent to EU countries and leaders, to the European Parliament
president as well as important members, and to EU Commission members,
to brief them on why Turkey cannot be an EU member — in their
opinion. In addition, acting in accordance with the idea that
Turkey’s possible membership is one of the greatest ‘disasters’
awaiting Europe, they want all the EU citizens, who possess “European
consciousness,” to act against Turkey and contribute to this
‘beneficial duty’ of opposing Turkey’s bid, by sending a mail at

Most of us are familiar with the expression, “Turkey would the
greatest disaster to befall Europe.” It is therefore not surprising
that those who refer to Turkey as the greatest disaster, declared
immediately thereafter that a new spirit of Crusaders is needed in
the political area. Those who have lost hope in European politicians
are turning to the Crusaders.

It is understood that the Greek Cypriots, Greeks and Armenians are
active on these sites. That only a small number of Turks send mails
to these sites, coupled with fact that they get easily offended,
prevent the Turkish theses from being properly defended.

There is a government in Turkey now, which sincerely defends the EU
target and is doing all the necessary work towards this goal. Up till
now, the multitude of 70 million, who have generally been deep asleep
in Turkey’s relations with the outside world, need to wake up and
take action on the EU issue. It will be very beneficial for Turks who
are literate and who know foreign languages to come together, just
like the opponents have organized themselves, and straight away
launch a citizen initiative that will speed things up towards

Tigranian Ani:
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