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BAKU: Meeting at ministry of foreign affairs

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
Aug 10 2004

[August 10, 2004, 13:59:47]

Meeting at Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar
Mammadyarov received a Pakistani delegation led by Chief of the
Committee of the General Staff Commanders of the Islamic Republic of
Pakistan, General Mohammad Aziz Khan.

During the meeting, Minister Elmar Mammadyarov note in particular
that the Azerbaijan-Pakistan relationship developing towards
strategic partnership, and expressed confidence that the present
visit of the Pakistani delegation would promote expanding military
cooperation between the two countries.

He informed the guest in detail on the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict
over Nagorno-Karabakh, peace process, as well as non-fulfillment of
the UN SC four resolutions by Armenia and related activity of the
OSCE Minsk group. Reminding of the 32 terror acts committed in
Azerbaijan, the Minister told of the part the country has been
playing in fighting terrorism, and participation of Azerbaijani
soldiers in ante-terror operations of the international coalition.

General Mohammad Aziz Khan expressed satisfaction with the level of
existing relationship between Azerbaijan and Pakistan and stated that
the recent official visit by President Pervez Musharraf to Azerbaijan
would contribute to further strengthening of the two countries’
cooperation in political, diplomatic and military spheres. He
stressed Pakistan would continue its assistance in training
Azerbaijani officers.

General Mohammad Aziz further advised the Minister of the political
and military situation in Pakistan, his county’s activity in fighting
international terrorism, and expressed hope for urgent peaceful
resolution of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

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