No Central Heating Expected in Yerevan This Year


YEREVAN, AUGUST 9. ARMINFO. No central heating is expected in Yerevan
thus year, Vice Mayor Vano Vardanyan told journalists.

He said that in July, the city authorities leased boiling-houses to
the private sector. Thus, the authorities intended to attract relevant
specialists, who would fulfill the idea of local heating in Yerevan.

As a reuslt, 9 applications were received. After business-plans of 9
economic entities are studied, agreements will signed. In the first
year after signing of the documents, 250 dwelling-houses can be
provided with heating, while in the third and the last year on the
contact, this number will total 500 dwelling-houses, Vardanyan said.

To heat schools, kindergartens and medical establishments, relevant
electric heaters will be purchased. It should be noted that last year,
only 111 buildings received local heating. 102 of these buildings were
residential. This year, another 8 buildings will be added to them (4
in Sayat-Nova avenue and 4 in Surenyants street).