Marine Ales and Shushan Petrosian Release New CD


YEREVAN, August 12 (Noyan Tapan). The presentation of the new CD of
the author’s song entitled “Mtorumner” (“Thoughts”) of Marine Ales
will be held on August 18. It is performed by Shushan Petrosian. “We
decided that two women can create songs that are passed through
themselves. Music and words are mine, soul and voice are Shushan’s,”
Marine Ales said during the August 11 press conference. 14 songs are
recorded on the new CD, 9 of them are created specially for Shushan.

“These songs are devoted to the closest people,” she mentioned. Her
creative plans are bounded up first of all with Armenia, where she
comes from the US every year to work with the Armenian performers. She
expressed hope that already formed creative group will work on her new
songs. Marine Ales doesn’t consider herself as a professional. “I
can’t compose by order. I compose because it is part of my life,” she
says. Nevertheless she has already obtained the recognition of the
general public with her “Stone Rain” single devoted to the 11
September 2001 tragic events in the US.