“Syunik-Zangezur” Fund Finances Number of Programs


KAPAN, August 12 (Noyan Tapan). The “Syunik-Zangezur” benevolent fund,
which was established this April, finances a number of programs
implemented in the region, which were impossible to implement many
years because of the absence of the financial means. Surik Kachatrian,
Head of the administration of Syunik, is the Chairman of the
Council. Work on the repairs of a sport school and flat roofs of
tenement houses in Kapan is carried out now, for which the fund
allocated 20 mln drams (about 39,000 dollars) and 40 mln drams,
respectively. The fund allocated 18 mln drams for the overhaul of the
building of the dramatic theater of Goris, as well as 27 mln drams for
the completion of the work on the construction of the
Shorjur-Spandarian mudflow pipeline of Goris. The fund also financed
the work on the repairs of the kindergartens in Sisian and the station
on filtration of potable water in the town of Agarak. In the future
the fund will allocate sums for the construction of the sewerage
system of the town of Meghri.