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Utopiana August 2004

L’actualité, août 2004

Anna Barseghian Stefan Kristensen
Quai Capo d’Istria 9, 1205 Genève, Suisse
namak@utopiana.am, anna.barseghian@bluewin.ch

t|m+41 76 329 28 30
t|f+41 22 320 98 30

Thierry Fontaine, Hurloir

Installation sonore, proposée dans le cadre de
La Btie – Festival de Genève <;

Dates : 3 – 11 septembre 2004
Lieux : pl. Charles Aznavour, Erevan / pl. des Volontaires, Genève

Hurler depuis l’Arménie et être entendu sur la Place des Volontaires à
Genève : une opportunité offerte grce à un micro installé sur la Place
Charles Aznavour en plein centre d’Erevan. Une intervention artistique
est organisée chaque soir à 18h (heure de Genève). En l’absence de
prise de parole organisée ou spontanée, l?ambiance sonore de l’espace
public sera toujours perceptible.

Avec le soutien de :
Armenian Telephone Company <;
Fondation Armenia (Genève)
Union arménienne de Suisse
Association Courants d’Art (La Réunion)
M. Vahé Gabrache
M. Gilles Clément
M. et Mme Alfred et Claudine Bagdjian.

Curateurs: Anna Barseghian, Nazareth Karoyan, Stefan Kristensen
Programmation à Erevan: Mariné Karoyan
Mise en place technique: association provisoire (André Loz)
Remerciements particuliers à l’équipe du Festival de Genève et à son
directeur, M. Olivier Suter.

Dans un prochain message: programmation définitive des interventions

The Screamer

To scream in Armenia and be heard on a square in the center of Geneva:
an opportunity given to anybody thanks to a microphone on the Square
Charles Aznavour in the heart of downtown Yerevan. An artistic
performance is organized every evening at 6pm (GMT +1) from September
3 to 11. When nobody shouts, speaks or sings, the background noises of
the public space will any time be perceptible.

To Be Heard

The Screamer is a device for one way communication. Such a
communication is naturally perceived as a scream or a howling. In the
heart of a festival animating the Genevan cultural life, the Screamer
opens a space of reflection on the relations between the centers and
the peripheries of the world. But due to the reversal of the habitual
communication flows, it also touches on the good old fantasy of the
Orient: in France, one burns “Armenian paper” to purify the air in the
appartments… In the other end, Geneva is a sort of emblem of a
prosperous Occident, which stands for democracy and human rights.
Apart from the artistic perfomances on the program, anyone can take
the microphone and send her or his sounds to the West.

Friday 3.9. Hover, choir
Saturday 4.9. Violette Grigorian, Karen Karslian, poetry
Sunday 5.9. Vahan Artsrouni, songs
Monday 6.9. Sanctus, vocal quartet
Tuesday 7.9. Grigor Khatchatrian, Azat, sound performances
Wednesday 8.9. Ani, string quartet
Thursday 9.9. INZEST, female rock band
Friday 10.9. Jivan Gasparian, duduk
Saturday 11.9. Penetro, electronic music

Project carried out within the Festival de la Bbtie <;.

With the support of Armenian Telephone Company <; ,
Fondation Armenia (Geneva), Union arménienne de Suisse, Association
Courants dArt (La Réunion), Mr V. Gabrache, Mr G. Clément, Mr et Mrs
A. et C. Bagdjian.

Special thanks to Marine Karoyan, Eva Khachatrian, PROVISOIRE

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

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