Turpanjian Family Foundation Establishes AUA Scholarship & Programs


August 24, 2004

American University of Armenia Corporation
300 Lakeside Drive, 4th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612
Telephone: (510) 987-9452
Fax: (510) 208-3576

Contact: Gohar Momjian
E-mail: gohar@auac.net


Oakland, CA -The Turpanjian Family Foundation generously pledged $1,000,000
over 10 years to the American University of Armenia (AUA) in April 2004 to
implement an innovative Big Brother-Big Sister orphan mentorship program,
and to provide educational scholarships to support qualified undergraduate
and graduate Armenian students who are at an economic and social
disadvantage. On August 13, 2004, the American University of Armenia
received its first installment of $100,000 from the Turpanjian Family
Foundation and AUA has begun program implementation.

One of the key components of the Turpanjian Family Foundation Scholarship
Program is to empower its graduates to make long-term contributions to
Armenia’s political, social and economic development. To this end,
scholarships will be awarded to eligible undergraduate and graduate students
in Armenia’s universities, including the AUA, whose major areas of study are
determined to be of critical need and strategic importance for the
development of Armenia. AUA has already sent out public announcements in
Armenia’s media to recruit eligible students.

Additionally, for the first time in Armenia, AUA will introduce a `Big
Brother-Big Sister’ mentorship program for orphans. AUA alumni and
students will be matched with orphans, as `big brothers’ or `big sisters’,
to establish one-on-one lifelong friendships and mentoring relationships and
to help with their social and intellectual development. This mutually
beneficial connection will not only assist the orphan with lifelong guidance
and counseling, but also instill within AUA alumni and students the values
of helping others less fortunate and the benefits of participating in
community service.

`Supporting a scholarship program in Armenia is a wonderful way to support
the local state institutions of higher education and individual students who
have the potential to attend AUA and make valuable contributions to Armenian
society,’ stated AUA President Haroutune Armenian. `The Big Brother/Big
Sister component of this program will also help those who are at a
socio-economic disadvantage to overcome their circumstances and believe in
their potential leadership and entrepreneurial roles in Armenia’s economy.’

The American University of Armenia is registered as a non-profit educational
organization in both Armenia and the United States and is affiliated with
the Regents of the University of California. Receiving major support from
the AGBU, AUA offers instruction leading to the Masters Degree in eight
graduate programs. For more information about AUA, visit
