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Azg Armenian Daily – 08/27/2004

Azg Armenian Daily, Armenia
Aug 27 2004










The famous International Herald Tribune daily published Israelite
journalist Jay Bushinsky’s article titled “The Armenian Genocide:
Face history’s heartbreaking truth”. The journalist writes: “The
carnage perpetrated by the Ottoman Turks 89 years ago, in which 1.5
million ethnic Armenians were killed or deported, was a tragic
prelude to the Nazi Holocaust of 1939-1945 in which six million Jews
were annihilated. Hitler’s determination to destroy European Jewry
was encouraged by the world’s lack of interest in the Armenian
tragedy. In a speech delivered to his troops on Aug. 22, 1939 – nine
days before he invaded Poland – he was quoted as having said: `Who,
after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?'”

Ironically, Hitler’s rhetorical question is inscribed on one of the
walls of the US Holocaust Memorial in Washington, and rightly so.

Then he goes on reminding that “the latest attempt by
Armenian-American activists to win Congressional recognition of the
Armenian genocide was a failure. Other interest groups, including
Jewish ones, misguided or opportunistic, convinced a vast majority of
the American lawmakers that a resolution along those lines would
offend the Turks at a time when the United States needs them as

“Israel’s government winced when Turkey’s prime minister, Recep
Tayyip Erdogan, assailed its policy and behavior in the West Bank and
Gaza Strip as well as toward the Palestinians in general. But neither
Israel nor the overseas Jewish organizations dared remind Erdogan
that leaders of nations that had committed crimes against humanity
had best refrain from preaching to others – a lesson learned and
followed by Germany”.

He feels pain that “the Israeli diplomacy puts contemporary
priorities ahead of moral obligations. When a major documentary about
the Armenian Genocide was due to be screened here, the foreign
ministry intervened out of consideration for Turkish sensibilities.
It is hypocritical to expect compassion and sympathy from the peoples
of the world for the lives lost in the Holocaust when ‘raison d’état’
prevents Israel and most Israelis from commiserating with the

He closes the article saying: “Historical truth must be faced
regardless of how heartbreaking it may be. It cannot be subordinated
to the ebb and flow of modern international relations. Anyone who
visited the Armenians’ grim memorial to their martyred brothers and
sisters south of Yerevan, Armenia’s capital, in the shadow of
biblical Mount Ararat, cannot but grieve with them.

Israelis, Jews, Zionists and their supporters should comfort the
Armenians in their national sorrow and the Turks should accept the
photographs, documents and above all testimony, which commemorate the
Armenian Genocide, instead of insisting that it never happened”.

We, Armenians, have to appreciate Jay Bushinsky’s courage and
impartiality. There will always be moral people and organizations
that will keep on pursuing the leaders of Turkey and Israel till they
cease closing eyes on the historic facts.

By Harut Sassounian



“People of Different Nationalities Live in Azerbaijan, Armenians May
Live in Nagorno Karabakh”

It turns out that Ilham Aliyev is a great humanist. During the mutual
press conference with Gerhard Schroeder in Berlin he declared:
“People of Different Nationalities Live in Azerbaijan, Armenians May
Live in Nagorno Karabakh”. Mr. Aliyev said that he is not against
Armenians living in Nagorno Karabakh and in Azerbaijan if only they
submit to Baku.

Only few weeks ago the president of the Statistics’ Administration of
Azerbaijan Arif Veliev said that the population of the country is 8.3
million, 697 out of which are Armenians. It is interesting that
before the Sumgait pogroms of 1988 the Armenian population was 300
thousand (not counting Karabakh population). Therefore, if there are
only 657 Armenians in Azerbaijan it speaks against the Azeris.

The Armenian population of Azerbaijan was deported before the
Karabakh war started, thus the war is not the reason. Mr. Aliyev
supposed in Germany what will happen if all Armenians living abroad
decide on self-determination. “Imagine only how many new Armenian
states will appear on the world map in that case”, German Deutsch
Press news agency cites Mr. Aliyev’s words.

This was Ilham Aliyev’s first official visit to Germany. After having
signed Azeri-German documents Gerhard Schroeder stated: “I can say
that Germany is still Azerbaijan’s partner and recognizes its
territorial wholeness. President Aliyev and I think that the Nagorno
Karabakh conflict should only find a peaceful resolution.”

The Azeri president repeated that Armenia already gained independence
and that the Armenians of Karabakh cannot gain independence as there
is already a state called Armenia. “Armenia conquered Nagorno
Karabakh and seven more Azeri regions. As far as the Armenian army is
in the occupied territory the conflict will persist”, Mr. Aliyev

Everything is clear with Ilham Aliyev’s “Karabakh strategy”. Being in
European countries on a visit he plays a humanist and a victim but in
Azerbaijan he threatens Karabakh with war if the peace talks give no

Today the Armenian military forces fully control five Azeri
administrative regions, the other two are under partial supervision.
15 percent of Nagorno Karabakh territory is, i.e. regions of
Shahumian, Martakert and Martuni are under Azeri’s control.

By Tatoul Hakobian



German Ambassador To Turkey Stated in Kars

The issues of the Turkish-Armenian relations, Armenian Genocide and
Armenia’s territorial claims are being actively discussed in Turkey
lately. The Turkish-Armenian border-gate reopening is also a subject
of discussions and now the blockade of Armenia is questioned as
unproductive for Turkey.

The influence of the USA and the EU on Turkey for reconsidering
Turkish-Armenian relations is out of doubt.

In the created situation we can assume that Robert Kocharian’s answer
to a Turkish journalists question (“If you think we can’t do without
Turkey, you are wrong! Armenia is steadily developing without your
help.”) on June 23 at the Parliamentary Assembly of the European
Council made Turkey seriously worry.

There are other reasons for worry besides Armenian president’s
statement, namely Germany’s view expressed by Wolf Ruthard Born,
German ambassador to Turkey. The Turkish Dyunden Bugyue Terjuman
newspaper dwells on the ambassador’s words in its August 25 issue.
According to this publication, the German diplomat visited Trapison,
Ardvin and Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s birthplace Rize where he
met with the latter and then left for Kars on August 24.

The ambassador was welcomed by the Kars deputy mayor Israfil Chakaz.
The deputy mayor presented the claims of the Turkish side as regards
to the border-gate opening. The ambassador Born said in response to
this: “As far as I know the Armenian constitution views Kars and the
surrounding territories as Armenian. The border-gate opening
presupposes a resolution in Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict. If
Azerbaijan gives up Karabakh then the border-gate will open.”

We failed to check out Dyunden Bugyue Terjuman’s information. Though
this information is very vague we still can assume that while,
presenting the claims of the Turkish side for the border-gate
reopening, Kars deputy mayor might have demanded the German
ambassador to support a pro-Azeri resolution for the Nagorno
Karabakh. From this perspective the words of Mr. Born as regards
Azerbaijan’s renunciation of Karabakh are very important.

The ambassador’s approach to the Karabakh conflict as an
Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict is not less important. It’s obvious that
such an approach makes Karabakh one of the conflict sides but not an
apple of discord between Armenia and Azerbaijan. This is not
beneficial for Turkey of course and the embarrassment of the Turkish
newspaper can be understood.

By Hakob Chakrian



Amidst the clattering of forks and the chattering of people in the
large banquet room at the Glendale Hilton Friday night, there was a
hushed silence. There on the video screen, 12-year-old Armen looked
into the camera and into the tear-shining eyes of the audience,
telling the story of how he received a match for life through the
efforts of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR).

The dream of finding bone marrow matches for ethnic Armenian patients
is now a dream come true. Over 350 supporters joined the celebrations
at the ABMDR’s third annual Match for Life banquet on August 6th and
helped raise $50,000 for the organization.

Armen, who lives in Yerevan, Armenia, was not the only one with a
story to tell. Ten-year-old Alique Topalian, from Cleveland, Ohio,
took the stage to tell about her struggle to find a bone marrow match
six years ago. Miraculously, Alique went into remission without
needing a match. But the repeated frustrations experienced by
Alique’s family and other Armenian families in failing to find
matched donors from existing bone marrow registries led to the
founding of the ABMDR in 1999. Alique’s courage, strength and will to
live filled the hearts of those present at the Match for Life event.
She was recognized for her courage by a special Inspiration Award by
the ABMDR Board of Directors.

The ABMDR is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to ensure
that every ethnic Armenian, struck with a life-threatening
blood-related illness, is able to find hope for long-term survival
through the identification of a genetically suitable bone marrow
match. In the short time since its inception, the ABMDR has
established tissue-typing laboratories in Yerevan, Armenia and
Glendora, California run by the ABMDR co-founders Dr. Sevak Avagian
Executive Director and President Dr. Frieda Jordan respectively. Both
sites are fully equipped with state-of-the-art DNA molecular typing
equipment and qualified personnel. In LA the recruiting center is
located at Glendale Memorial Hospital – a major supporter of the

Since December 2000, over 8,000 ethnic Armenians from diverse
communities have registered with the ABMDR. Honorary Chairperson and
First Lady of Armenia, Dr. Bella Kocharian, was the first donor to
the project, which seeks to register 10,000 donors by the end of
2004. To date, 332 patients in need of bone marrow transplant have
been referred to ABMDR, 172 potential bone marrow matches have been
identified, and 4 bone marrow transplants have taken place in Los
Angeles, Poland (for Armen), Italy and Germany.

“I am confident that there will be many more success stories to tell
in addition to Alique’s and Armen’s,” said ABMDR President Dr. Frieda
Jordan, in her address. “The tremendous support and hard work of
people like those present tonight, has played a major role in the
success of the registry in finding bone marrow matches and performing
transplants around the world in Armenia, Italy, Germany, France and
right here in California.”

In recognition for outstanding contribution, five awards were
presented by Dr. Frieda Jordan and Board member and Master of the
Ceremonies, Michael Mahdessian, to Dr. Bella Kocharian, Woman of the
Year, for her ongoing commitment to the project; Diana Artunian,
Volunteer of the Year; the Daughters of Vartan, Organization of the
Year; Armen Janian, Man of the Year; and Dario Frommer, Legislator of
the Year. All five were also recognized by City of Glendale Mayor Bob
Yusefian, Congressman Adam Schiff, Assembly member Dario Frommer,
County of Los Angeles supervisor Michael Antonovich, Senator Jack
Scott, and Hon. John Chiang member of State Board of Equilisation
with similar awards. Sam Tripoli and his fellow comedians volunteered
their time and talent, entertaining the guest with light comedy.

Along with ongoing recruitment at Glendale Memorial and at the ABMDR
center in Armenia, special drives are scheduled for Massachusetts and
Canada on October15-17 and November26-28, 2004, respectively. The
ABMDR is seeking to organize donor drives in Armenian communities
worldwide and is asking individuals and organizations for assistance
in this vital effort.

The Match for Life event has brought the ABMDR $50,000 closer to its
goal of raising the $300,000 needed for recruiting 2,000 additional
donors by the end of 2004 and maintaining its global status.
Membership in Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide, affiliation with Caitlin
Raymond International Registry of Worcester, Mass, and participation
in international scientific conferences allow ABMDR to expand its
exposure internationally and reach more patients.

Those who wish to further assist the Registry in reaching these goals
may contact ABMDR President Dr. Frieda Jordan at 347 W. Stocker St.,
Suite 208, Glendale, California 91202 or by calling (818) 547-1374 or
visiting the website



The Chairmanship of RA Writers Union deeply condemns another act of
terror committed against the freedom of speech and public opinion,
against the journalists in Armenia, Tsakhkadzor. A number of unknown
people ignoring the law and order have chosen the resting house of RA
Writers Union this time.

According to the witnesses and the publications in the press a number
of skin head people rushed into the building and committed violence
against the employees of the resting house as well as against the
journalists staying there, as the latter came to Tsakhkadzor to
prepare a report about the brutal annihilation of the forests and the
people who build their palaces on this business.

The wealth of our people, its nature has become the victim of the
criminals that have confused their motherland with their own pockets.
These people built their prosperous life by making the lives of
hundreds harder. Moreover, these impudent people try to create an
atmosphere of terror and fear in the country.

RA Writers Union’s Chairmanship draws the attention of the NGOs as
well as the state bodies and the officials on the disgraceful
behavior of the abovementioned criminals and demands to take the
relevant measures for averting annihilation of Tsakhkadzor forests
and anti-ecological construction.

Chairmanship of RA Writers Union



Relevant Draft Law Submitted to RA National Assembly

The application of control cash machines will be more effective if an
equal field is secured in the field, i.e. all the entrepreneurs use
them. Armen Alaverdian, Deputy Head of RA State Tax Service, said
this. He added that with the time all the entrepreneurs will use
control cash machines and the relevant draft law is already submitted
to Ra National Assembly. Two years ago the draft law “On the Trade
Places” that envisaged the issue of control cash machines was
submitted to the parliament, but afterwards, it was replaced by
another draft law “On Trade and Services.” This year on April the
government submitted to the parliament the draft law “On Control Cash
Machines” elaborated by RA Tax Service. Armen Alaverdian is hopeful
that this one will be adopted during the autumn.

Armen Alaverdian agreed that the cash tickets aren’t given always,
but he added that if the consumers demand them they are usually given
the cash tickets. He said that last year RA Tax Service imposed fines
on 4800 firms and companies. In the first half of this year the
number of such cases amounted 2000.

RA Government adopted two decisions specifying the issues of applying
control cash machines. The fist defines the rules of utilization and
registration of the cash machines that will help avoiding many
problems. The second decision the entrepreneurs having kiosks and
street trade points can appeal and get the cash machines. At present,
about 15000 cash machines are being used.

By Ara Martirosian



“Cilicia” to Reach Athens

It has been the fourth day that the ship has left Tsarevo harbor and
passed by Lesbos. In a month “Cilicia” has passed the following
route: Sochi, Novorosiysk, Yalta, Constanta, Varna and Tsarevo.
Hmayak Tarakhchian, Deputy Chair of “Ayas” Marine Research Club”
informed that in all the cities the crew met with the mayors and the
representatives of the Armenian communities. “We have changed our
plans concerning the route. Because of the weather conditions we will
not have the opportunity to visit Egypt, Lebanon and Syria.

At first our aim was to experience the historical traditions of the
Armenian navigation. During our voyage the arrangements organized on
the shores in the cities we visit became more important. In the
course of these arrangements we represent our national culture and
establish new relations with the countries and meet with the Armenian
communities. That is why sometimes we have to change our plans,”
Tarakhchian said.

He also told that when passing through Bulgaria, the sailors met with
Sevada Sevan, RA Ambassador to Bulgaria. For a couple of days Mrs.
Ambassador became a sailor and sailed on the ship to her seashore
house Akhtopole, where Vrbam Stamatov, Bulgarian writer and public
figure, her husband, passed away. According to a marine tradition,
the Armenian sailors sent wreaths to the dept of the sea in memory of
the beloved perished. The sailors did the same when passing by the
house-museum of Commander Andranik.

The weather is getting worse. The sailors were warned against the
heavy storm. After having waited for four days in Tsarevo, “Cilicia”
is on the sea again. It was for the first time in the last several
hundred years that a ship with a waving Armenian flag passed Bosfor.
This year the ship will stay in Venice for the wintertime. If the
time and weather afford, after reaching Athens, “Cilicia ” may return
and sail by the shores of the historical Cilicia. Afterwards, it will
sail in the seas of Greece and Yugoslavia and find its wintry shelter
in the island of St. Lazarus, with the Mkhitarian Congregation.

By Tamar Minasian

Zaminian Bedik:
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