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Azg Armenian Daily – 08/30/2004

Azg Armenian Daily
Aug 30 2004


AZERBAIJAN IN 1918-1920?







Iraqi Refugees Looking for Alternative Shelter

The war in Iraq made Iraqi Armenians leave their homes for Armenia.
Forty-nine families (87 people) found refuge in Armenia by July.
Thirty-one families applied for temporary lodging till the end of the

Most of the Iraqi emigrants live in hired flats, some of them stay
with their relatives and few families bought flats in Armenia,
informs the Administration for Migration and Refugees. There are even
few young people who have already made their ways to the
universities. The Migration Administration has located most of the
needy at the Nor Nork borough hostel. But the rooms of the hostel are

Most of the emigrants work as cooks and jewelers. According to
Ruzanna Petrosian, of the Migration Administration, the Iraqi
Armenians complain that the employers don’t treat them as permanent
and trustworthy workers. They are not hired out of fear that they can
leave Armenia any moment.

Some of the Iraqi Armenians are really looking forward to leaving not
having got any means for survival.

Four more citizens of Iraq applied to the Against Juridical
Willfulness NGO asking to help them leave Armenia for not having any
job here. Two of them were Armenians, other two Arabian.

The International Organization of Red Cross was supporting them
monthly. But the program is over now and they turned to the NGO
asking to give them 50 US dollars a month to keep body and soul
together. But the NGO was unable to meet their needs.

Armenia became a refuge for 2 Kurdish families four years ago who
were unsatisfied with Saddam Hussein’s regime.

Besides sheltering Kurds and Arabs Armenia grants asylum to religious
and political outcasts. Samuel Lem Logan, a 42-year-old Sudanese, has
been in Armenia since 2000. The oppression that Christians face in
that Muslim country made him come to Armenia. He has no permanent job
here and hopes to leave either to Sudan or to the USA. But Samuel
didn’t waste his time: he married an Armenian girl.

Armenia granted shelter to a citizen of Chechnya who left Armenia

The Against Juridical Willfulness NGO informs that there are still
people who view Armenia as second home. One of them is Asiv Ziman who
fled Pakistan because of Muslims’ oppression of Christian. He is
married to an Armenian and is engaged in trade. Unlike all others who
shared his fate he is already accustomed to Armenia and is not going
to leave for another country.

By Karine Danielian


AZERBAIJAN IN 1918-1920?

Baku Celebrates 13-th Anniversary of Independence Declaration

The Armenian government is sparing no efforts declaring that Nagorno
Karabakh has never been part of independent Azerbaijan. In his June
24 speech at the European Council Robert Kocharian stated: “As a
result of collapse of the Soviet Union 2 separately independent
states were formed in the territory of Soviet Azerbaijan: Nagorno
Karabakh and Azerbaijan. The existence of the two states is equally
justified. Thus, the territorial wholeness of Azerbaijan has nothing
to do with Nagorno Karabakh”.

Any historical fact may be viewed from two angles the least. For
instance, we, Armenians, are sure that Nakhidjevan is a purely
Armenian territory whereas the Azeris assure that not only
Nakhidjevan but also Zangezur, Karabakh and Yerevan are Azeri
territories. But that Karabakh has never been a part of independent
Azerbaijan is a fact, according to the Azeris’ very history.

On August 30 the Azeris celebrated the 13-th anniversary of
Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The
communist authorities of Baku adopted the document in 1991, August
30. This document is equally important for Karabakh too. In
accordance with the Declaration, Azerbaijan declared its independence
in the territory of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan (DRA) of
1918-1920. Nagorno Karabakh was not in the territory of Azerbaijan by
that time. Therefore, if the contemporary Azerbaijan is the successor
of the DRA, according to the Declaration, then Baku cannot have
claims for Karabakh. Only after July 5 of 1921 Karabakh was forced
into Soviet Azerbaijan.

In 1918-1920 not only Nagorno Karabakh but also Plain Karabakh and
Nakhidjevan were included in the DRA. Nakhidjevan became a
protectorate of Azerbaijan only in 1921 according to Kars Treaty. And
the Plain Karabakh was partially added to Azerbaijan during time. An
interesting fact: The League of Nations, predecessor of the UNO,
didn’t recognize the DRA reasoning it by Azerbaijan’s territorial
conflicts, i.e. Karabakh and Nakhidjevan, with its neighbors.

Jamil Hasanov, historian at the Baku State University, writes that
the Azeri delegation left for the Paris peace conference in 1919
hoping that the League of Nations would recognize the DRA
independence and would enroll Azerbaijan in the League. The Baku
delegation hoped to get the US president Wilson’s support and to
establish diplomatic relations between the two states, according to
Dr. Hasanov. Despite the supposed support of president Wilson, the
issues of DRA’s independence and membership in the league remained
unsolved, writes Dr. Hasanov.

The DRA failed to gain membership in the League of Nations in
contrast to neighboring Armenia and Georgia. Thus, Azerbaijan was not
internationally recognized because it tried to come into the League
with Karabakh and Nakhidjevan, non-Azeri territories.

There are other examples too testifying to the fact that Karabakh was
not a part of the DRA. For instance, on April 20 of 1920, the other
day of Azerbaijan’s sovietization, the Foreign Affairs commissar
Husejnov send a note to the government of yet independent Armenian
Republic (Armenia became Soviet only on December 2). It read: “The
proletarian government of the Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan demands
that you clear Karabakh and Zangezur off your troops”. This also
testifies to the fact that Karabakh was not a part of Azerbaijan
during the first Soviet years. Husejnov didn’t mention the name of
Nakhidjevan simply because it was a part of independent Armenia by
that time and was annexed only in the spring of 1921.

On August 10 of 1920 a treaty between the Dashnak (the ruling party)
government and Soviet Russia was signed. The second part of the
treaty read: “The Soviet troops of Russia conquer the arguable
regions of Karabakh, Zangezur and Nakhidjevan with the exception of
the territories destined for the troops of the Armenian Republic”.

And at last the note signed by the chairman of the Revolutionary
Committee Narimanov and the Peoples’ Commissar of Foreign Affairs
Husejnov which says: “Nagorno Karabakh, Zangezur and Nakhidjevan are
recognized as constituents of Soviet Armenia”.

By Tatoul Hakobian



British The Economist about Post-Soviet National Conflicts

After the recent events in Southern Ossetia, the political scientists
drew the attention of the leading international mass media on
settlement prospects of the four national conflicts existing in the
post-Soviet territory. The Economist, British authoritative weekly,
published an editorial dedicated to Nagorno Karabagh, Abkhazia,
Southern Ossetia and Transdnestria in its August 19 issue.

“The unfinished wars in Transdnestria, Abkhazia, Southern Ossetia and
Nagorno Karabagh are the key factors that hinder the former Soviet
independent states to unfold their potential fully. A microstate is
in the center of each conflict. The leaders of these microstates won
the local wars but for the Russian arms. Notwithstanding the huge
differences, these microstates have many things in common. The
isolation that lasts for decades and the unrecognized governments
made them a military society.”

“The society of Nagorno Karabagh is the closest to the natural
society among these four countries. In 2001, when the local corrupt
Samvel Babayan was arrested, there existed some mixture of economy
and local policy in Karabagh that is considered independent. But it
is united with Armenia and its economy is supported by Diaspora, in

“Recently, local elections took place there. Notwithstanding the wave
of anger and indignation in Azerbaijan, that posses Karabagh de jure,
the competition between the candidates was real. In Stepanakert the
atmosphere was quiet according to post-Soviet criteria. Thus,
Karabagh may have a good future if the fate of this enclave is
settled in some way”, the Economist writes.

According to the weekly, the mutual concession seemed to have been
reached four years ago. “Most of Nagorno Karabakh’s part was to be
united with Armenia, while the Azeris would get the neighboring
regions and the corridor that joined the two parts of the republic
(Azerbaijan and Nakhidjevan). Lately, the positions of both sides
became stricter and the polls testified to the fact that the majority
of the Azeris want that territory (Karabagh) to be regained by

The Economist means the Key West treaty, that is considered to be a
secret document, but some of its articles have already appeared in
the press. Particularly, by the second article of the treaty Karabagh
was to unite with Armenia against the withdrawal of the Armenian
forces from the territory belonging to Azerbaijan administratively,
except Lachine. This very region secures the land communication
between Karabagh and Armenia. As for the unification of Azerbaijan
and Nakhidjevan, this can be reached by getting a part of Meghri
region, stretching by the bank of Arax. But Lachine and Meghri
corridors have no equal status: the first is united with Armenia,
while Meghri is just a transportation corridor.

“The struggle for Karabagh always existed and a new war is very
possible. Compared with it, Southern Ossetia is a hotbed of a small
but important quarrel. Abkhazia and Transdnestria may have a special
political status, if not for the independence, but for historical
reasons. Both of the administrations have the control of the
territories and the economy and are able to exist independently. But
both of them are the volunteer hostages of Russia,” the Economist
writes. The British weekly reminds the data of the American Herman
Marshal Research Center that define the regions in conflict as “the
cracks of the Soviet Empire that are hotbeds of arm and drug trade,
trafficking, organized crimes and terrorism.”

The Economist adds that Marshall’s conclusion is right for Abkhazia,
Southern Ossetia and Transdnestria, except for Nagorno Karabagh.

By Tatoul Hakobian



Recently, new newspapers were issued in the Armenian press market and
some others will be issued in near future. Today, it’s hard to say
what part will these new periodicals play both in the market and the
politics. But its’ obvious that they will try hard to have influence
in our social-political live. Moreover, at least, the two of them are
financed or sponsored by figures having political claims.

The “Third Power” newspaper is the first among them that is
considered “a social -political independent newspaper”, but is
financed by Levon Hairapetian, Moscow dwelling businessman, and Aram
Karapetian, leader of Nor Zhamanakner (New Times) party. The
newspaper is published by “Missia l” ltd. Vahram Aghajanian, former
reporter of Azg Daily, analyst of the Iravunk weekly, is the
newspaper’s editor-in-chief. The newspaper consists of 16 pages, is
multicolored and well printed.

Few days ago, the first copy of Zoravig newspaper was issued too. It
is established by “Zoravig- Merhak” ltd. Pushkin Serobian is its
editor-in-chief. It is “August 23 Federation” union’s official

In some days the newspaper of “Nig Aparan” union will be issued too.
The head of the union is Aghvan Hovsepian, RA Public Prosecutor. His
political claims are frequently spoken about, recently. The newspaper
is very likely to be entitled “Haykakan Dzeragir” (Armenian

According to the information circulating in the journalistic sphere,
a new periodical will appear in the Armenian press very soon. Today
we know only the name of the editor, Satik Seiranian.



The summer vacations are the continuation of the studying process,
but in a special way. These studies should contribute to our
children’s true Armenian education.

Gugark Diocese emphasized the national-spiritual education of the
children in its activities. It organized the summer vacations of many
schoolchildren in “Tsitsernak” (sparrow) camp.

It has been the third year that “Tsitsernak” camp is functioning
under the shelter of Holy See of Etchmiadzin. This is one of the best
camps in Armenia by its order and the educational orientation.

This year, the main building of the camp became a dormitory that
helped to organize vacations for 1050 children instead of 600. Some
of the buildings of “Krunk” camp that also belong to the diocese have
also been renovated. Here the children spend their hours of study and
entertainment. The camp has a new pool and a game square.

There were 48 children of the perished azatamartiks (freedom
fighters) as well as 48 unilateral and 70 bilateral orphans among the
1050 children that spent their summer vacations in the camp. Sepuh
Archbishop Chuljian, head of diocese, assured that they will spare no
effort to enlarge and make the camping complex more comfortable so
that more children could rest there.

By Astkhik Asrian



Two or three more days and the Armenian “Cilicia” sailing boat will
be at the coast of historical Cilicia, Hmayak Tarakhchian of the
“Ayas” sea research club informed yesterday. On August 27 “Cilicia”
moored at the Athens, and the crew spend 2 days in the
Olympic-battered city. On August 29 publicist Zori Balayan again
joined the sailors after having been in Bulgaria.

Today “Cilicia” is making its way through the Aegean Sea to the
historical Ayas. According to Mr. Tarakhchian, the boat has the right
to navigate in the Aegean Sea but he is uncertain about the ship
mooring in the harbor. The coast of Cilicia begins with the island of
Rhodos and stretches to Iskyandaru (Alexandria) Gulf where the
ancient harbor of Ayas used to be. Mr. Tarakhchian expressed hope
that the Turkish government will allow “Cilicia” moor at Ayas. And we
shall wait for rich impressions of our sailors as they go through
historical Armenian territories.

By Tamar Minasian

Taslakhchian Andranik:
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