Categories: News

Azg Armenian Daily – 09/01/2004

Azg Armenian Daily
Sept 1 2004







Prisoners Being Tortured

The nineteen prisoners accused of a coup d’etat in Equatorial Guinea
are to wait for one more month for a sentence. Hamlet Gasparian,
press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, informed Azg
Daily that the Armenian ambassador to Egypt Sergey Manasarian
together with Gevorg Petrosian of State Ceremony Department are in
Malabo and will return theses days.

“By now we can say that the trial was postponed for a month. Our
diplomats have met Guinean officials to ease their condition and to
secure them”, said Gasparian.

The six Armenian air crew were detained on 8 of March on charges of
attempting to overthrow president Teodoro Obiang Nguema have been
kept chained 24 hours a day in Malabo’s notorious Black Beach prison.
Our pilots have been working in Equatorial Guinea since January of
the current year. They do not plead guilty of the charges made.

During the August 30 court session the prosecutor suggested to
postpone the trail as the lawsuit has to do with a coup d’etat and
some materials needed to be closely examined. It came as a surprise a
week ago that former British PM Margaret Thatcher’s son Mark Thatcher
is accused of financing the coup. The “Iron Lady’s” son was arrested
in South African Republic but was released on bail of 300 thousand
dollars. He also pleads not guilty.

Yesterday the British Independent published an article titled “Dogs
of war?” where it informs about lawsuit process and some details
about the prisoners and the president Nguema. So, the newspaper
correspondent Raymond Whitaker writes: “Their wrists and feet
shackled, the accused half-crawled”. Mr. Mico, their defense lawyer,
said: “All the accused apart from Mr. du Toit have told me they were

“Prison in any country is far from being a paradise. We are extremely
worried about the future of our citizens and the conditions they’re
kept in interest us. It is already the second time that our diplomats
visit the captives. We also have turned to international
organizations such as the Red Cross and to some diplomats who had the
opportunity to visit them. None of Armernian prisoners ever said to
be tortured”, said Gasparian.

The citizen of South African Republic Nick du Toit has confessed that
he was offered a huge sum of money to head the coup. Seven of 19
prisoners are South African, 6 Armenians and 5 local. Aside from Nick
du Toit all other pledge not guilty.

On August 31 the president Nguema hold a press conference for foreign
journalists where he said: “Individuals without morals who attempted
a crime against our country which would have resulted in blood being

The Independent reminds that since Nguema deposed and executed his
despotic uncle in 1979, he has been accused of spilling plenty of
blood on his own account, and even of eating the testicles of his
murdered enemies to imbibe their masculinity.

Equatorial Guinea was once a Spanish colony and won its independence
only in 1968. Since then the country have been ruled by dictators.
The first one was Francisco Nguema the other one his nephew, the
current president. Two years ago 68 people were sentenced to 20 years
imprisonment for a coup against president. In 1998 15 people were
sentenced to death for separatism.

What are the steps that Armenia takes to release its citizens? Hamlet
Gasparian said that the Armenians have a defense lawyer and that
Armenia does everything possible for their release. The letters of
the president of Armenia and of the Supreme Patriarch of all
Armenians were handed to the government of Equatorial Guinea.

By Tatoul Hakobian



Armenia Sends Doctors, Drivers and Deminers to Iraq

The Defense Ministry of Armenia is getting ready to support the Iraqi
people by sending Armenian doctors, drivers and deminers to Iraq.
Seyran Shahsuvarian, press secretary of the defense minister,
informed Azg Daily that the Armenian specialists will leave for Iraq
as soon as the National Assembly confirms this decision.

The official Yerevan didn’t join together with Russia, France,
Germany and several other countries to America’s anti-Iraqi campaign
to topple Saddam Hussein. But Armenia expressed its willingness to
help in rebuilding the ruined country.

At the press conference few months ago held together with Charles
Wald, deputy commander-in-chief for the European Command (EUCOM), the
head of the Supreme Headquarters of Armenia Mikael Haroutiunian said
that Armenia decided to send a military squad to Iraq. Haroutiunian
noted that there is an Armenian diaspora in Iraq, and Armenia does
everything to support in rebuilding the post-war country. But this
doesn’t mean that the “military squad will leave for Iraq tomorrow”.
The USA in its turn hopes that Armenia will join the multinational
forces as soon as possible.

The USA wants to lure as many countries as possible to its side for
justifying the Iraqi war. Of course, if so many countries were
involved in the war than it couldn’t be a blunder. The coalition
today consists of 32 countries, some of which, such as Spain and
Philippines, have already resigned in the face of rebels’ cruelties.
Such American allies as Canada, Turkey, Germany and France are not in
the anti-Iraqi campaign. The other 3 heavy-weighters not included in
the alliance are Russia, China and India.

The Defense Ministry of Armenia has already taken the decision of
sending Armenian specialists to Iraq. The government confirmed the
decisions some days ago. The parliament will go on for discussions in
autumn and “yes” or “no” will largely depend on the will of the
Armenian authorities. If official Yerevan is firm in its decision
then the Armenian specialists will for Iraq.

There are 20 thousand Armenians living in Iraq. The August 1
explosions at 5 Christian churches came to prove that the Christians
of Iraq as well as whole population of the country are not secured of
suicide-bombers. The Iraqi Armenians occasionally note that Armenia’s
participation as an American coalition member might bring them

The Armenian government has missed a serious point: who is going to
guard our specialists in this country? We know from sad experience of
other countries that the Iraqi rebels do not consider if the
foreigner is a doctor or a soldier. The Armenian embassy in Baghdad
that is usually a safety guarantee for Armenians in Baghdad was
closed a day before the US bombs hit Baghdad.

Armenian’s participation in the reconstruction of Iraq must be
necessity from the political angel. But it must be noted that Iraq is
far from being reconstructed today, instead the multinational
coalition forces continue the occupation and destruction of the

By Tatoul Hakobian



Yesterday was the first day of the new academic year in many
countries of the world, particularly, in the former Soviet republics.
In Georgia, the academic year is postponed till September 20. This is
the decision of the Georgian education Ministry.

Alexander Lomaya, Georgian Education Minister, explained this step by
the desire to give up the Soviet educational system and “pass to the
European one.”

Naturally, there are various opinions concerning this step. The
minister gave the following explanation to this decision: “Each
innovation is always accepted with an air of indignation. But in this
case we wanted to divide the physical and studying capacities of the
children equally in the year.”

For decades the academic year began in September 1. According to the
minister, Georgia finally decided that “they should take into account
the Georgian climate and the interests of the people that want to
prolong their vacation in September.” New Georgian Government also
explains the decision by the importance of the places for rest and
tourism. According to Regnum agency, the presidential program
envisages to deliver new bags and books to the first form
schoolchildren for free. While non-Georgian schools will be provided
manuals of Georgian language.

The Armenian and Azeri schools will receive manuals of Georgian
History and Geography in Armenian and Azerbaijanian. These schools
will also receive special manuals for Georgian language studies.

In previous years the abovementioned schools used to buy manuals from
Armenia and Azerbaijan.

By Aghavni Haroutiunian from Tbilisi



Perhaps Turkey Hopes for Reestablishing Its Authority in South

The month of September promises to be a diplomatically hot one in
Turkey. The main reason is the quantity of official visits that fall
on this month. Ankara is going to host the Russian president Vladimir
Putin on September 2 and Günter Verheugen, Member of the European
Commission, Enlargement, on September 5. The later will meet with the
Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan and Foreign Minister Gul on September
6, then will leave for the so-called capital of Northern Kurdistan
Diyarbakir, then Izmir and Istanbul.

It’s not excluded that Verheugen will visit the international fair,
which is going to be visited by Russian president. The president of
Iran Islamic Republic Mohammad Khatami is also reported to come by
the end of September.

Taking into consideration the fact that Turkey is striving for the
EU, and Verheugen’s mission in the EU, we can say that his visit is
of vital importance. We can assume that the Europeans will continue
manipulating on the Kurdish factor for enrolling Turkey in the EU.

Amidst all these, Turkey considers president Putin’s visit of a great
importance. Perhaps Ankara views Russian-Turkish relations as a means
to regaining its authority in the South Caucasus.

In the situation when Turkey can’t but explain its controversies with
the USA by its running for the EU, it becomes obvious that in case of
developed relations with Russia Turkey is granted more possibility to
maneuver between the USA and the EU. That will save Turkey from
Europe’s manipulations as regards entering the EU.

Concerning the regaining of lost positions in the South Caucasus, we
must say that Azg Daily has touched upon the issue in its previous
publications writing that the 9/11 enabled America to be militarily
present in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kirgizia and Georgia, thus Turkey
has lost its role of an American lever in the Middle East and the
South Caucasus.

But the American presence is not the only obstacle on the way of
Russian-Turkish relations and Turkish influence in the South
Caucasus. The American military presence is, perhaps, less important
than the silent agreement of Russia and America in the issue of
keeping the military balance in the South Caucasus.

Russian president’s visit hasn’t launched so far. Although Russia’s
support of Turkey cannot bring Turkey its lost authority in the South
Caucasus, its positive results may still create a favorable ground
for Iran Islamic Republic’s president’s visit to Ankara.

By Hakob Chakrian

Tatoyan Vazgen:
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