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Troika discusses boosting energy exports


Putinru.com, Russia, Russian Independent Internet Digest
Aug 31 2004

Vladimir Putin has given German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and
French President Jacques Chirac a sidelight on Russia’s plans for
the development of the national pipeline system.

The French and German leaders said that “the Russian government
is paving ground for boosting the export of energy resources by
encouraging the development of pipeline transport,” presidential aide
Sergei Prikhodko told journalists after the trilateral summit talks
in Sochi.

Chirac and Schroeder have been provided with information on the
construction of the Baltic pipeline system, development of the Northern
gas pipeline, Prikhodko said.

“It was important for the German and French leaders not just to
hear assurances from the Russian leadership but also to learn of its
concrete steps towards stepping up the production and export of energy
resources,” Prikhodko noted.

He explained that the energy theme emerged at the troika meeting
in discussing the Middle East and Iraq situation, which affects the
sustained and continuous shipments of oil to the world market.

“In this connection, the Russian president reminded his colleagues
that Russia has never violated its obligations in the supply of gas and
holds the same position in oil supplies,” the presidential aide said.

As regards international problems in discussion in Sochi, Prikhodko
said that, except Iraq and the Middle East, the three leaders spoke
of the Nagorny Karabakh settlement, the situation in Georgia and

The issue of the Russian-speaking population in Latvia and Estonia was
also raised at the talks, Prikhodko said. “It was not the Russian side
but our guests” that brought up the subject of observance of European
standards regarding the ethnic minorities in the Baltic countries.

After the talks with FRG Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and
French President Jacques Chirac, Russian President Vladimir Putin
accompanied the high guests to the airport.

The French and German leaders have left home.

Kalantarian Kevo:
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