Categories: News

Energy System Tends To Develop


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
4 Sept 04

The executive director of “Artsakhenergo” CJSC Slava Gabrielian
informed that during the past seven months (from January 1 to August
1) more energy was used then in the same period last year. Thus, the
use of electric energy in 2004 totals 96 million 500 thousand kWh
instead the 92 million 100 thousand in the same period of the past
year. By the way in 2003 the use of energy totaled 155.5 million
kWh. At the same time high rates were reported in the sphere of
realizing electric energy. In the mentioned period of the current
year 70.8 million kWh energy was realized against the 61.5 million
in 2003. All in all, the amount of the electric energy realized
in 2003 totaled 106.1 kWh. According to S. Gabrielian, due to the
measures taken by the personnel of the energy system energy loss was
reduced by 5.2 per cent. Thus, by August 1, 2004 the loss of energy
totaled 8.7 per cent against 13.9 per cent in the same period of the
previous year. According to the executive director, “Artsakhenergo”
has debts from previous years. The consumers in their turn also owe
to the company. According to the executive director, the means from
sales are first of all used for the obligations of the company to the
state budget and development of the system, including maintenance of
the substations. By the way, as S. Gabrielian mentioned, this year
the salaries of the staff were raised by about 22 per cent.


Torosian Aram:
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