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The Message Of NKR President Ghukassian


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
4 Sept 04

on September 2 we celebrate the birthday of the Republic of Nagorni
Karabakh. I congratulate you and the entire Armenian nation on
our chief holiday. Thirteen years ago the people of Artsakh made a
historical choice in favour of the creation of free and independent
Nagorni Karabakh. Time proved the rightness of this choice which was
marked with enormous effort of the people of Artsakh directed at the
defence of the young republic from foreign aggression, overcoming of
the hard consequences of the war, rehabilitation of the NKR economy,
its social and cultural spheres. Much was done in this short period
to build the statehood of Nagorni Karabakh based upon democracy and
protection of human rights. In the past thirteen years we managed to
create a corresponding legislative basis which enabled a successful
improvement of the economic complex of the country, the political,
legal and tax systems, as well as other spheres of life in NKR. The
recent elections to the local governments once again proved the
determination of the people and government of the Republic of
Nagorni Karabakh to follow the line of further democratization of
the public-political life of the country and building of a true
civil society in NKR. This irreparable process will soon find its
reflection in the Constitution of the Republic of Nagorni Karabakh,
which is presently being worked out. The success of the people of
Artsakh in the sphere of democratization does not pass unnoticed by
the foreign progressive forces. For most of them the fact that NKR is
not recognized is not a reason for prejudicial attitude. Fortunately,
the number of our friends abroad is growing day by day. I would like
to mention especially the growing role of the Armenian Diaspora in
the process of rehabilitation of Artsakh. I am convinced that this
role may be weightier in the international recognition of NKR. Life
goes on and we have a lot to fulfill. The government of the country
will carry on with its activity directed at the creation of new
jobs, and improvement of the social conditions of the insecure
part of the population and first of all the families of killed
azatamartiks, as well as pensioners, the disabled and families having
many children. At the same time we have to seriously deal with the
questions of a full exploitation of the economic potential of Nagorni
Karabakh, which will allow relieving social stratification within
the society. However, for creative work lasting peace is necessary,
therefore the government of the country will later continue paying
permanent attention to strengthening the NKR Defence Army. The
training of the army provided with modern armament displayed to the
enemies of Artsakh its effectiveness and ability to solve the most
complicated problems referring to the security of Nagorni Karabakh
and its people. I again confirm that the NKR government is absolutely
for the peaceful settlement of the conflict. I think if the government
of Azerbaijan shows good will and sincere wish to solve the Karabakh
conflict in mutually acceptable conditions, the efforts of the OSCE
Minsk Group may produce positive results. Nevertheless, I assure you
that no one can take away from us the freedom and independence gained
at such a high price. Peace and prosperity to you, dear people of
Artsakh. Livelong the Republic of Nagorni Karabakh!


Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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