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BAKU: Saudi Arabia to render more aid to refugees

[September 06, 2004, 22:55:58]

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
Sept 6 2004

With the aim to promote solving the tasks set in the “State Program
on Improvement of Living Conditions and Employment Opportunities of
Refugees and Internally Displaced People”, Ambassador of Azerbaijan
to Saudi Arabia Elman Arasly met with Secretary General of the
League of Islamic World Abdulla Turki and Secretary General of the
Islamic Charity Organization “Nijat” Adnan Pasha, the Embassy press
service said.

Ambassador Elman Arasly informed the Saudi side on the hard
consequences of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh,
negotiations between Azerbaijan President and heads of the world’s
leading states and prestigious international organizations concerning
peaceful resolution of the problem. He stressed that aggressor Armenia
and has been occupying 20% of the Azerbaijani lands for over ten
years, and holds non-constructive position in the peace process. As a
result of the aggression, he said, more than one million Azerbaijani
citizens have become refugees and IDPs and are still living under
very hard conditions. The diplomat handed the Azerbaijani side’s
request to increase the volume of aid rendered by the government and
humanitarian organizations of Saudi Arabia to refugees and IDP to
Mr. Abdulla Turki and Mr. Adnan Pasha.

The latter stated for their part that governed by the King Fahd
bin Abdul Aziz instructions on providing necessary assistance to
Azerbaijan in its fight for elimination of the Armenian aggression
consequences, the government and donor organizations are ready to
increase the volume of aid.

Kamalian Hagop:
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