Categories: News


Table of Contents:
1. Request for Donation of Computers for Schools Active in Environmental
2. Request for Proposals (RFEP) — Waste Clean-up Actions and Upgrading
of Landfills for the Solid Waste Program in Borjomi Region of Georgia
3. Georgia Believes itself Cheated by BP
4. Thugs Beat up Journalists, with the Connivance of Parliament Members
5. Working Group on Genetically Modified Organisms
6. The IFC the world’s leading conference for fundraising professionals
7. FSA Contemporary Issues Fellowship Program
8. Earth Institute Fellows Program Information
9. The 3rd World Youth Congress


CENN – Caucasus Environmental NGO Network is conducting environmental
education and awareness raising activities and school campaigns in 8
schools of Georgia, out of which 2 are located in the regions –
Bakuriani and Bolnisi and 6 in Tbilisi (Varketili, Nadzaladevi, Didube,
Avlabari, Chughureti, Nutsubidze districts). In Tbilisi schools,
educational campaign is focused on energy efficiency issues; in
Bakuriani – on forestry and sustainable tourism; and in Bolnisi – on
wise use of transboundary resources. The school campaigns aim to raise
environmental educational and awareness of the young generation and
promote their active participation in environmental decision-making.

CENN school environmental educational and awareness raising campaign
team is looking for secondhand computers for donation to the active
schools to make environmental campaign more effective.

We address national and international organizations programs and
projects to render assistance and contribute to this valuable
initiative. Your contribution will be highlighted through CENN network
and publications.

Interested persons please contact:
Irina Kitiashvili
CENN Regional Coordinator
Tel: +995 92 39 46
Cell: +995 99 57 27 86
Fax: +995 92 39 47


The program is initiated and funded by BP operator of
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyahn (BTC) pipeline and South Caucasus pipeline (SCP)

The Executor of the Program GTZ is German Technical Cooperation,
International Services in coordination with Borjomi District Government
– is seeking for interested private companies to take pat in the biding
process for short-term solid waste program in Borjomir region.

Issuance Date: September 7, 2004

Closing Date and Time: 15:00 pm Tbilisi 22 September 2004

The project aims to improve the sanitary and environmental condition in
Borjomi and Bakuriani by different activities aiming for better waste
management and environmental protection:

o closure, clean-up and restoration of illegal dumps;
o improvement of current landfills and their access roads;
o delivering of equipment for waste collection and landfill operation;
o instructional and training of personnel;
o public awareness campaigns to involve the population.

The project activities concerning the present invitation for bidding
cover the following performances:

1. Clean-up camping in Borjomi
2. Clean-up camping in Bakuriani
3. Improving of the Borjomi landfill and its access road
4. Improving of the Bakuriani landfill and its access road

Bidders who wish to obtain additional explanations and comments are
invites to contact:

Mr. Iuri Maisahvili
Tel: (+995 32) 93 674 809
Fax: (+995 32) 32 420 990

Together with the fully pried and competed officer, each page to be
signed, the following documents are requested:

1. Copy of documents about the legal registration of the company
2. Documentation to prove bidder’s qualifications, experience and
3. The list of equipment and machinery to be used for forthcoming work
4. Certification from the tax office about the debt burden absence
5. Declaration of bidder

The bidder is amenable to law on accuracy of presented documents.

Bidders are requested to hand in the completed officer Document together
with all Appendices, completed and signed by a duly authorities person,
in a sealed envelope, plainly marked as follower:

“Offer for waste clean-up actions and improvement of landfills in the
Borjomi Region.”

Bidders are invited to collect Request for proposal documents starting
from September 7, 2004 from:

GTZ Office Tbilisi
41, Shartava str., (bordering Saburtalo Bazari), 0160, Tbilisi, Georgai
Borjomi Inforamtion Center 129, Rustaveli ave., Borjomi, Georgai

The Bidder shall be bound to his Officer until 31.12.2004.


Source: The Echo, #163, 25 August 2004

Official Tbilisi asks international financial organizations for
assistance in ensuring environmental security of Borjomi section of

By M. Bagirov

The situation around construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil
pipeline in Georgia remains to be tense. Moreover, as the Echo has
learned from informed sources in the neighboring country, Georgian
authorities still have not settled with BP – the leading operator of the
project – the Borjomi section problem and the discontent in the
government’s high echelons in connection with the above is growing.

According to the information obtained, Tbilisi had to explain itself
with the executives of the European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD) and the International Financial Corporation (IFC),
who, as is known, participate in financing of the project. In a letter
sent by the Georgian party to international financial institutions, BTC
Co. (a consortium of the companies participating in the construction of
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan – M.B.) is accused of “illegal construction” in

That all this can be fraught with serious complications hardly needs to
be explained. Therefore, it seems expedient to consider in a greater
detail the question


An answer to the question has been repeatedly declared by the
neighboring country’s officials: the securing of environmental safety of
the Borjomi section of the pipeline through establishing of stringent
control over all the factors capable of causing the spilling of oil
(dangerous geological processes, technical defects and operators’
mistakes and, finally, subversive activity by third parties), and the
reduction of risk to a controllable level. Here, certainly, arises a
question – how grounded the claims of the Georgian party are. It should
be said that much depends on the answer to this question, including,
presumably, the future of the Azerbaijani-Georgian relations too. Many
reproaches have been sounded in relation to Georgia lately, the most
offensive of them being obviously the one revealing an alleged striving
of Georgia to achieving some added advantages for itself through
speculations about the issue.

Meanwhile, as our paper managed to clear up from the sources in the
Georgian government, a significant role in the current tension around
the Borjomi issue is being played by the unwillingness of the company BP
to meet its existing commitments in the said section. The matter
concerns environmental permits for the oil pipeline construction issued
by the Ministry of Environment of Georgia on 30 November 2002. As our
Georgian sources note, this is the single document approving the
pipeline route, in particular within the Borjomi section. Specifically
for the Borjomi section, the environmental permit requires a change of
the pipeline construction design in accordance with the criteria set
forth in the document. It was then, that the parties in the name of the
Georgian government and BTC Co. agreed that in order to attain the risk
level close to zero, BTC Co. would employ the best available
technologies, multiple lines of defense and the principle of redundancy
in the technical design and in the course of operations. The necessity
of applying special security measures in the event of an “intervention
of a third party” was specially negotiated. It was noted that the
pipeline had to be designed and constructed in a way that in the case of
a negative intervention, there would be sufficient time for neutralizing
the threats to security. In the opinion of the Georgian party, who
refers to the views of international experts, citing, in particular, the
independent structure Jane’s Consultancy, laying of the pipeline in
Borjomi at a depth of not less than 3 meters, combined with other
measures, would be quite sufficient steps on the part of BTC Co.

Nevertheless, as mentioned, BP has failed to comply with its obligations
concerning the environmental security of the Borjomi section and, as the
informed sources in Tbilisi note, has decided to apply its customary
tactics in Georgia – to construct as it is suitable to the company,
using the pressing schedules of the project completion as a cover. The
company stated that the pipelining at a depth over 1.5 m would cause a
serious delay in the conduct of construction work. Georgia has not
consented to this argument having produced expert opinions, which stated
that the pipelining at a depth of 3 m was quite feasible within the
planned schedules. An outcome of the differences was a two-week stoppage
of the pipeline construction in the late July. Thereafter, as is known,
intense negotiations in London and in Tbilisi started, the course of
which was more than sufficiently highlighted by media. The United States
also had to enter the talks. As a result, an agreement to resume the
pipeline construction in Georgia was reached. It turns out, however,


As the head of press service of BP Tamam Bayatly commented to the Echo,
the resumption of construction work became possible after the oil
company had agreed with Georgia the question of joint development of the
so-called “Integrated Security Plan” for the Borjomi section. Later, on
August 16, at a press conference in Baku the head of BP David Woodward,
commenting the situation, said that the new Georgian government “wanted
to make certain of the conscientiousness of BP”. The words of the head
of Bp meant that the company produced all the proofs of
conscientiousness, having forwarded, in particular, to the Georgian
environmental agency all the materials indicating how BP was going to
secure the pipeline safety in the sensitive area. True, no details on
the contents of these materials have been told by D. Woodward to the
press conference.

Meanwhile, as it becomes evident, BP’s action plan concerning Borjomi
has not met with the approval in Georgia. According to the informal
Georgian sources, in the course of the negotiations held in Tbilisi, the
representatives of the oil company agreed with the arguments of the
Georgian party naming them sound and promised all the fears would be
given due consideration in the security plan on Borjomi. However, they
have defaulted to do so. Currently, Tbilisi is more and more inclined to
think that BP is trying to commission the pipeline as soon as possible,
and that in case anything happens in Borjomi, to charge the Georgian
party therewith. Obviously, the situation is being strained again.

The official Tbilisi had, as mentioned, to express itself before the top
executives of EBRD and IFC – to whom BP apparently addressed its
complaint earlier. In the Georgian party’s letter forwarded to
international financial institutions, it is indicated that after it had
found BTC Co.’s attempts to evade by all means possible the compliance
with its commitments regarding Borjomi as set forth in the 2002
environmental permits, Georgia had no other choice but to stop the
“illegal construction”. In its message, the official Tbilisi refers to
the groundlessness of BP’s arguments regarding a delay in the project
implementation due to the requirements of Georgia concerning Borjomi,
and asks to support the Georgian government in the issue.


Already yesterday, the Echo addressed the press service of BP with a
request to comment on the information concerning the Georgian party’s
discontent over the Integrated Security Plan’s contents for the Borjomi
section. Tamam Bayiatly, head of the company’s press service, underlined
that the above-mentioned document had been drafted in the course of
joint discussions of BP experts and representatives of the Georgian
government. “This very document agreed by the parties was presented to
Georgian authorities before August 14”, – concluded T. Bayatly. The
question whether signals of the Georgian party’s discontent were
received by the company after August 14, the press-service head did not

We still hope that if the differences between BP and the Georgian
government continue to take place, the company will, nevertheless,
notify the Azerbaijanian public thereof, and we shall have detailed
information about existing contradictions and attempts to overcome them
all the time, and not only when the pipeline construction in Borjomi is
stopped again. Let’s hope it will not come to that….


Source: , September 1, 2004

On August 24, 2003, Armenian journalists were physically attacked once
again. This time, in Tsakhkadzor, Gagik Stepanyan, a bodyguard of
parliament member Levon Sargisyan, beat photojournalist Mkhitar
Khachatryan of the news agency PhotoLur and reporter Anna Israelyan from
the newspaper Aravot.

Covered in forests, Tsakhkadzor is a resort area famous since Soviet
times. Many USSR sports teams used to train here, but today Tsakhkadzor
is better known as a vacation spot favored by President Robert
Kocharyan, and, in direct connection, the place where oligarchs and
government officials build private getaways. Since there is no room in
the town itself, they cut down forests and fence in land for their

Stepanyan and Israelyan were putting together material on these mansions
when they were attacked by several shaved-headed thugs, Stepanyan among
them. His boss, MP Levon Sargisyan, is known to the public as “Flour
Mill Lyov”. A member of Serge Sargisyan’s circle, Sargisyan is known as
an active participant in and big contributor to Robert Kocharyan’s
election campaign.

His companies import and produce flour, and the Ministry of Defense buys
flour for the Army exclusively from him. Thus, he is unlikely to ever
have trouble selling his product, as long as Serge Sargisyan is minister
of defense.

Interestingly, when on April 5, 2004, journalists covering an opposition
rally near the Nairi Cinema were beaten up, “Flour Mill Lyov” happened
to be at the nearby Oscar CafÈ. His bodyguards were among the
perpetrators of the violence. It looks like he was directing their
actions from a short distance away.

The other thugs who attacked the journalists on April 5 th were
bodyguards of MP Gagik Tsarukyan. Tsarukyan, who is known by the name
“Dodi (Stupid) Gago”, denied that these men worked for him. But the fact
is that until April 5 th they worked as his bodyguards. Tsarukyan is a
member of Robert Kocharyan’s inner circle and one of the richest
businessmen in Armenia . (Of course, on paper, his companies are
unprofitable). This oligarch cut down a huge section of the forest in
Tsakhkadzor to built private houses and cottages.

On August 27, 2004 the Office of the Prosecutor General of Armenia
announced that criminal proceedings had been instituted regarding the
violence against journalists.

On August 28 th a number of media outlets organized a joint protest in
which ninety journalists went to Tsakhkadzor in nineteen cars. They
drove around the town taking pictures of the forests that have been cut
down and the private houses of various government officials and

Staring today, we will publish the names of the owners of the houses
built in the green areas of Tsakhkadzor.

The journalists’ first stop was the home, or as a sign at the entrance
states, “recreation area” of the president of the company Multi Group
and member of parliament, Gagik Tsarukyan. Tsarukyan first purchased the
Tereshkova Camp for Children, two buildings on one hectare of land.
Subsequently, his territory was expanded to 20 hectares, and a section
of the forest was destroyed and 21 cottages built. According to the
mayor of Tsakhkadzor, Garun Mirzoyan, “There will be 26 cottages here,
according to the design.”



The first meeting of the Parties to the Convention (Lucca, Italy 21-23
October 2002) adopted decision (I/4) and the Guidelines on Access to
Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice with respect to
Genetically Modified Organisms. A new Working Group was established to
examine and build upon the preparatory work undertaken by a previous
Working Group on GMOs established by the Committee on Environmental
Policy (the first Working Group).

The task of the Working Group is to explore the options for a legally
binding approach to further developing the application of the Convention
in the field of GMOs, including through possible instruments and to
develop selected options for consideration and possible decision or
adoption by the Parties at their second meeting.

Fourth meeting of the Working Group
The fourth meeting of the Working Group will take place on 18-20 October

Additional information is available on the following address:


The 24th International Fundraising Congress (IFC) will take place on 12
-15 October 2004, at the NH Leeuwenhorst Hotel, The Netherlands.

Additional information is available on the following adders:


The FSA Contemporary Issues Fellowship Program, a program of the Bureau
of Educational and Cultural Affairs, US Department of State and
administered by IREX (the International Research & Exchanges Board),
provides opportunities for experienced professionals and specialists in
Eurasia to conduct policy-oriented research in the United States for
four months. Fellowships are available to citizens of: Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova,
Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

Program highlights
Eligible Professions:
o Economists
o Government Officials
o Lawyers
o Political Advisors
o Public Health Specialists
o NGO Leaders
o Journalists
o Other Policy Developers

All applications must contain developed and focused research projects
that are policy-driven with practical application in Eurasia. Research
proposals must address one of the following categories:

o Business Administration
o Journalism & Media
o Civic Education
o Law Enforcement
o Educational Policy
o Economics
o NGO Development & Management
o Energy Policy
o Political Science
o Environmental Policy
o Public Administration
o Human Rights
o Public Health Policy
o International Relations
o Rule of Law
o Social Welfare

The fellowship is fully funded and provides:

o Round-trip travel from fellows’ home cities in Eurasia to their US
host institutions;
o Housing and monthly stipend for living expenses in the United States;
o Professional development allowance;
o Accident and sickness medical coverage.

Contact Information for Ukraine:
IREX-Kyiv Office 01004, Kyiv vul. Velyka Vasylkivska, 14, suite 19,
Tel/Fax: (044) 537-06-04


Application Deadline: The next deadline for receipt of applications is
December 1. Applications submitted by this date will be considered for
two-year fellowships that start the following September. The Earth
Institute will notify applicants of acceptance decisions in late
January. Applications must be completed on time and in their entirety to
warrant consideration by the selection committee. We strongly encourage
that applications be submitted online.

Fellowship Eligibility, Start Date and Duration: The Earth Institute
Post-Doctoral Fellows Program seeks outstanding scholars with recent
doctorates in the natural, social, engineering and health sciences that
possess a strong interest in sustainable development. The Program
provides innovative scholars with the opportunity to build a deeper
foundation in one of these core disciplines while at the same time
acquiring the cross-disciplinary expertise and breadth needed to
addresses critical issues related to sustainable development, including
reducing poverty, hunger, disease, and environmental degradation.
Fellows are appointed for two years. Appointments begin September 1st.
However, if individual circumstances warrant, Fellows may begin their
appointment as early as July 1st. Fellows must receive their Ph.D. prior
to beginning their appointment.

Additional information is available on the following address:


The 3rd World Youth Congress is coming to Scotland from July 30th to
August 8th 2005.

The event is open to young people aged between 18 -25 (you must be at
least 18 on 30th July 2005) and the congress theme is “Young People
working together for a sustainable world community”.

The main goals of the WYC series are to promote volunteering and global
citizenship as well as sustainable lifestyles. Delegates will draw to
the attention of government and aid agencies worldwide how much young
people do and are doing to support the achievement of the UN Millennium
Development Goals. This congress will bring together young development
activists and government and UN development professionals to review best
practice in youth led development and devise strategies to mobilise more
young people to take part in them.

Who can apply?
All applicants must be 18-25 years old on 30th July 2005 and will fall
under four categories:

1) Activists
This conference is chiefly for young leaders in the youth-led
development field. In order to qualify in this category you have to show
your commitment to action by working on a pre-congress action project,
that you can report on at the Congress. If you plan and implement a
youth-led community improvement project between now and August 2005, we
will welcome you to this Congress! All you have to do is pay your travel
expenses – a limited number of scholarships may be available. It is,
however, best to seek your own sponsorship. This is a conference where
you will do more than sit around and draw up fine-sounding declarations:
for at least 3 of the 10 days you will be out across Scotland working on

2) Performers/Artists
If you have a performance group of dancers, singers, actors, comedians
with material that relates to the Congress themes, send us a video with
some reviews and photographs, and we will consider you for the cultural
programme that will take place every evening of the Congress.

3) Young Journalists
If you work for a newspaper, radio or TV station, ask your employer/line
manager to send you to report on this important world event.

4) Participants
If the above goals interest you and you would like to learn about these
issues from your peers around the world, send in an application form.

For further details and an application form visit

Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)

Tel: ++995 32 92 39 46
Fax: ++995 32 92 39 47
Nahapetian Zhanna:
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