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Azg Armenian Daily – 09/07/2004

Azg Armenian Daily
Sept 7 2004









Dr. Hasan Oktay Assures

Hasan Oktay of the Institute of Armenian Studies in Ankara together
with a coworker Banu is in Armenia these days. On September 3 Oktay
visited Azg Daily publishing house and had a talk with
editor-in-chief Hakob Avetikian. Apparently, the Turkish scientist is
interested in the position of the Azg Daily as regard to the
international acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide,
Armenia-Turkish relations and the border-gate opening.

Oktay’s interview with Hakob Avetikian will be presented as soon as
the former returns to Ankara. For that very reason we present our own
interview with the head of the Institute of Armenian Studies. The
interview was interesting regardless any disagreement over issues.

Q: What’s your main purpose for visiting Armenia?

A: To see the neighboring Armenia, to go sightseeing. When you see
everything with your own eyes you become fond of it.

Q: As a head of an institute you must be interested in scientific
establishments of Armenia. Which of those will you visit?

A: I shall be at the National Academy of Sciences, particularly at
the Institutes of Oriental Studies and of History, I’ll also visit
the Yerevan State University, Department of Oriental Studies and the
Institute-Museum of Armenian Genocide.

Q: Have you visited other places besides Yerevan?

A: We had time only to visit Etchmiadzin. We’ll leave for Gyumri for
3 days, then we’ll visit the Sardarapat National Museum.

Q: What is your impression of Armenia?

A: I expected to see a better country. Armenia could have been in a
better condition and Yerevan more orderly. Saying “better” I mean the
reflection of economy on the city.

Q: What do you think of Armenian-Turkish relations?

A: I think they will improve in the near future.

Q: What do you consider the main obstacle on the way of development
of these relations?

A: I consider the imperialism the main obstacle on the way of
Turkish-Armenian relations; neither Turks nor Armenians are to blame.

Q: What about Turkey’s close cooperation with such imperialistic
state as the USA?

A: The Turkish-US relations are not on a healthy ground at present.

Q: If the imperialists are to blame, why is Turkey striving for the
EU? After all, such imperialistic states as France and Germany are

A: No matter how hard Turkey tries, it will never be a member. It
seems to me that Turkey is being tricked. Don’t you think so?

Q: What do you think of Azg Daily’s online edition?

A: There in Turkey many people consider Azg Daily to be the only
Armenian newspaper with a daily online edition. Turkey is attentive
to Azg Daily’s publications. And we know that Turkey is always at the
spotlight of Azg Daily.

Q: What can you say about the Institute of Armenian Studies?

A: Our Institute was founded in May of 2001 and operates within the
frameworks of the Center for Eurasian Research. The Institute
publishes 2 editions in Turkish and English. And we have 9 scientists
at the Institute.

Q: What kind of researches are you carrying out?

A: We try to contribute the development of Armenia-Turkish relations.
We want the world to understand the Armenians of Turkey correctly.
Meanwhile we try to respond through researches to those attempting to
spoil relations between the two nations. Our studies include the
history of Armenia from ancient times till our days. We approach the
historic issues from social, psychological views as well as from the
angle of international relations.

Q: Do you have any message to deliver?

A: I appeal to Armenian people and the intelligentsia to join us in
our efforts of raising Turkish-Armenian relations to the level of
blessed old times.

By Hakob Chakrian



RA National Assembly is Hardly to Hinder RA Government’s decision to
send Armenian Forces to Iraq

While the suicide-bombers continue their actions in Iraq, take
hostages and execute them and the US government with its allies, as
well as Iraqi puppet government try to make order in this Arabic
country, Armenian authorities are determined to send a group of
doctors, drivers and deminers to participate in the reconstruction
works in Iraq.

Arthur Aghabekian, RA Deputy Defense Minister, informed Azatutiun
Radio Station that an Armenian delegation will be sent to Iraq in
coming days to get familiarized with the situation. If RA National
Assembly votes for the decision of RA government to send our
specialists to Iraq, the Armenian support group will leave for this
country by the end of this year or next year. Aghabekian said that
the Armenian specialists will be located in the central, southern
part of the country that is controlled by the Polish forces. RA
Defense Minister Serge Sargisian is paying an official visit to
Poland these days. Poland send 6.500 militants to Iraq, but,
according to France-Presse, Warsaw will withdraw a part of its forces
from the country leaving only 2.500 soldiers there. Reuters agency
informed that Armenia envisages to send a group consisting of 50
specialists to Iraq.

Hovsep Khurshudian, expert of the Center for Strategic and National
Researches, believes that the issue of sending the Armenian
specialists to Iraq should be discussed in the context of the
negotiation around Nagorno Karabagh issue. “As Armenia’s
participation in the anti-terrorist struggle unfolded by the US
imparts with more importance to RA foreign policy’s positions and we
don’t have to make special efforts in this issue, because we endanger
the lives and the health of the Armenian soldiers, we can be left
behind by Azerbaijan. We can put at stake our position in Nagorno
Karabagh negotiations,” Khurshudian said.

Azerbaijan and Georgia joined the anti-terrorist struggle initiated
by the US in Iraq and send peace detachments there. Azerbaijan and
Georgia have their forces in Afghanistan and Kosovo as well. The
Armenian detachment consisting of 34 militants is still in Kosovo,
participating in the peace making actions.

Unless RA National Assembly approves the decision to send Armenian
forces to Iraq, the issue remains unsolved. Tigran Torosian, Deputy
Chairman of RA National Assembly, says the faction of the Republican
Party of Armenia hasn’t discussed the issue and it will be discussed
only when submitted to the Parliament. “Initially, Armenia intended
to render humanitarian aid and not participate in the military
actions. I can understand the concern aroused by the recent cases of
taking and executing the hostages from different countries.
Certainly, this arouses anxiety, but when the issue is submitted to
the parliament is will have relevant solution.”

Vazgen Manukian, Head of National democratic Union, believes that it
is not expedient to send Armenian specialists to Iraq. “I see no use
of it for the struggle against terrorist. Let’s not forget that we
have Armenian community in Iraq,” Manukian said, hinting that the
presence of the Armenian forces in the country create a complicated
situation for our compatriots.

Grigor Haroutiunian, member of Justice opposition faction at the
parliament, said that their faction didn’t discuss the abovementioned
issue. “I believe that this issue needs serious discussion and I
think that it is not right to go to Iraq,” Haroutiunian said.

Artak Arakelian, member of Orinats Yerkir, said that their party
didn’t discuss the issue either. “The war hasn’t finished in Iraq
yet. Taking into account the fact that we have a large Armenian
community there, Armenia’s active participation in the military
actions is not in our interests and can cause additional
complications. I think our participation is not important there.
Moreover, it can cause problems for the Iraqi Armenians,” Arakelian

We couldn’t find out the position of ARF Dashnaktsutyun, as we failed
to get in touch with the MPs belonging to this party.

Parliament is most likely to vote for sending the Armenian forces to
Iraq, as our parliament obviously depends from Serge Sargisian,
Andranik Margarian and Robert Kocharian. As for the opposition, it
has decided to ignore the parliament’s sittings.

By the way, the Iraqi Armenians have hinted for many times that
Armenia’s participation in the coalition will create a hard situation
for them. Over 20000 Armenians lived in Iraq, when Saddam Hussein in
power. One can’t definitely say how many Armenians are living in Iraq
at present. On the eve of the war Armenia closed its embassy in Iraq
and called back the diplomatic staff. At present, our country is not
going to open the embassy again, as there are no elementary
conditions for the diplomats’ safety there.

By Tatoul Hakobian



Perhaps the name of Qarvachar (selling stones) is the only right name
for this place. The hills covered with stones are stretching 200
meters all around the region. Miners and soldiers are the only people
one can find here.

The “Yerkir” NGO that is engaged in bringing Armenians back to
Artsakh gathered a huge group of journalists to take part in the
opening of a new school in the village of Knaravan, in the territory
of Qarvachar. The organization that dates its birth back to 2002 is a
union of Armenian, Karabakh, and Diaspora NGOs that has undertaken
the inhabiting of Armenian and Karabakh frontier regions. The new
settlement of Knaravan is being built on money of the Haroutiunian
family. They planned to build 18 houses with cattle-sheds, a school
and a social center.

Knaravan together with other newly built villages of Nor Karachinar,
Eghegnut and Nor Getashen doesn’t meet the elementary standards of
living. One may cover many kilometers in search of a store or even a
trading booth. The journalists had to stand the trial with hunger as
the nearest store was far behind.

Perhaps Knaravan is best only for cattle-breeding in view of vast
pastures. And the cattle are the only means of survival for the

The sponsor of the village construction Karo Haroutiunian together
with his son Narek was present at the opening ceremony. He dedicated
the construction of the new settlement to his late wife Knar who also
was known for benevolence. Their son Narek described the construction
of Knaravan as a vow and an appeal to the rich folk of Armenia and
Diaspora to help in building the motherland. Talking to the future
inhabitants of the village Karo Haroutiunian was trying to find out
their primary needs. He informed that an Arabian businessman was
going to start a textile industry in the village, and the
population’s ideas on this were interesting. People can only be glad
for any industry even with a low wages but they hinted that
cattle-breeding farms would be the best solution.

The new school will be fully functioning in October. It was designed
for 50 pupils but there are only 12 pupils today. The supporters of
the project hope that they will grow in number soon.

The sweet tunes of “Komitas” chorus closed the program, and the echo
of the songs shook the surrounding mountains notifying the animals of
human presence.

By Karine Danielian



Does America Hinder Putin’s Visit to Turkey?

On September 2 Turkey was getting ready for the Russian president
Vladimir Putin’s visit and was considering it an important one. But
the tragic events of September 1 held him back. Though the outcome of
the terrorist act was predictable, the Foreign Ministry of Turkey
declared that Vladimir Putin will arrive in Ankara in due time.

But the visit was postponed for an unknown term. The statement of the
Turkish Foreign Ministry shows that they in Turkey had great hopes
with Putin’s visit. The main hope, perhaps, was that Russia would
help Turkey to regain its lost positions in the South Caucasus and be
a fence-mending against the USA.

In the last coverage of Putin’s visit to Ankara Azg Daily mentioned
that September is a month of diplomatic riches for Turkey because
besides the Russian president there should have been Günter
Verheugen, of the European Commission, the PM of Palestine Ahmed
Korei, the president of Iran Mohammad Khatami and the Pope John Paul

Nothing hindered commissioner Verheugen’s arrival but PM Korei also
stayed at home. Korei’s unwillingness to visit Turkey was explained
in Turkish Eni Shafak by the measures the Russians took against
terrorists in Beslan. The Pope’s delayed visit was also excused by
the last events in Beslan.

It’s rather difficult to find any connection with the two delayed
visits and the terrorist act in the North Ossetia. The Russian
authorities in their turn with their declarations and
counter-terrorist actions made a mystery out of tragedy. The aim of
the terrorist act, terrorists’ demands, the number of the dead are
still a mystery today. The nationalities of the terrorists are also
cloaked in mystery as the authorities claim for 9 Arabs among them
whereas none of the hostages has ever seen an Arab.

In other words the Russian authorities lie to the nation. The
counter-terrorist actions of the Russian forces turned into a bloody
slaughter. All the condemnations directed to president Putin should
not seem strange considering the number of killed.

Meanwhile the foreign affairs’ minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov
leaves for Israel where he signs a Russian-Israeli document of
“cooperation in the struggle against terrorism”. The Israeli PM Ariel
Sharon’s response to the agreement is interesting. He said: “The
terrorism Russia faces is of the same origin as we do”. Having said
this, Sharon in fact identified Beslan’s terrorist act with the
Palestinian confrontation and showed that the mystery that Russia
found Arabs among the terrorists was made up to sign the
Russian-Israeli agreement.

Byulent Orakoghlu, former deputy director of the Security
Administration of Turkey, made his own investigation into the matter
and came to a conclusion that the USA, the UK and Israel might have
organized the terrorist act to justify their Middle East
anti-terrorist policy. This opinion can be held up in view of the
coming presidential elections in the US, the Great Middle East
Project and the troubles that Putin’s visit of Turkey could have

By Hakob Chakrian



Ohan Durian worked in the motherland during the most severe, coldest
and darkest years. He recorded the performances of all the symphonies
by Beethoven. By the way, only four conductors in the history of the
world’s music have recorded all the nine symphonies of Beethoven.
Only Ohan Durian kept to the unique scores of Beethoven when
recording the pieces. This is a great tribute to the genius of the

Today Ohan Durian visits Armenia as a guest. He is estranged from
Armenia. I can recollect a case that happened in Tbilisi. The
Georgian Theatre Union organized a meeting dedicated to Gurgen
Janibekian at Rustaveli Theatre. Eduard Shevardnadze, who was
Chairman of Georgia’s Communist Party, was present at the meeting. He
held a welcoming speech and congratulated Gurgen Janibekian. He
completed his speech in the following words:” We, the statesmen will
pass away, while the history will remember our nations by our
cultural figures. These are not my words, these words belong to
Alexander Miasnikian. When he came to Armenian, the first thing he
did was to gather around himself the great people of the Armenian
nation, namely, Sarian, Tumanian, Spendiarian, Charents and others in
order to inspire and encourage the people.”

Today, thanks to the policy of the ignorant and brutal officials of
ruling cultural sphere many people leave Armenia. No regret. Instead
of them “the mice” are getting fatter in the sphere.

We have to cherish all the people that are sent to us from God. It is
a shame that no one could protect and cherish Minas, Sevak and
Shiraz. Today’s’ intelligentsia is leading a life that deserve only
scorn; they are serving the ignorant authorities. We feel shame and
pity for them. Our heart aches for the generation that will come
after them. Our former “most cultural” minister Roland Sharoyan will
remain in the history as the person who estranged Ohan Durian from

By Felix Aramian



Goris State Dramatic Theatre after Vagharsh Vagharshian was
established in 1936 and didn’t stop its performances even during the
Artsakh war. During the last four years the theatre is functioning
attached to Goris city administration. It has 13 employees instead of
the former 90 and they are getting the minimal salary. The theatre
has no basic troupe. Alfred Hakobian, director, believes that in case
of consistent work it will be possible to have a main and interesting
repertoire very soon. At present, the rehearsals for two performances
are in full swing; another performance for children is envisaged to
be staged by the end of the year. The first two plays, “The Parents”
and “Our Corner in the Big World” will be ready in September. Goris
city and Syunik regional administration greatly contribute to the
implementation of the program. But one should spare no efforts to
reach a professional level in the theatre. That is why Alla Zakarian,
head of the theatre, emphasizes the importance of RA Culture
Ministry’s support. Both Zakarian and Hakobian think that the theatre
needs to be financially supported to improve the quality of their
performances. Today the theatre is being innovated. The soldiers,
former students of Cinema and Theatre Institute, participate in the
performances of the theatre. This year the branch of the Cinema and
Theatre State Institute will be opened in Goris at the initiative of
Goris Theatre’s director and by support of RA Prime Minister Andranik
Margarian.10 students will be studying at the new opened branch of
the Institute and their studies will be financed by the head of the
Regional administration. These students will be working at Goris
Theatre during their studies as well as for five more years after
their graduation.

By Nana Petrosian


Topchian Jane:
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