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BAKU: Bill “on state secret” passed

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
Sept 8 2004

[September 08, 2004, 13:01:59]

At the sitting of the Milli Majlis held on 7 October, as
correspondent of AzerTAj informs, the deputies have made protest
against participation of the Armenian officers in the forthcoming
action of NATO in Baku and have demanded, that Milli Majlis has
expressed attitude to the mentioned question.

Chairman of Milli Majlis Murtuz Alaskarov has noted, that the
Azerbaijan state cooperates with the NATO within the framework of
a number of programs. The organizer of action to be carried out in
September of this year in Baku is the NATO and consequently, official
Baku cannot interfere with the given question. Murtuz Alaskarov has
stated that in this connection the question will discuss with the
head of state and heads of other corresponding organizations.

Further, have been discussed and accepted the bills “On state secret”
(in the third reading) and “On protection and development of the
Azerbaijan carpet art”.

Talalian Arpi:
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