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BAKU: Azerbaijan: ANS TV to suspend broadcasts over Armenianservicem

Azerbaijan: ANS TV to suspend broadcasts over Armenian servicemen’s visit

ANS TV, Baku
10 Sep 04

[Presenter] A protest has been staged by media outlets at the
initiative of the group of ANS companies, against the expected
arrival of Armenian officers in Baku to attend NATO exercises [on
13-26 September]. There are plans to stage more serious protests
in case of their arrival. Our guest, the president of the group of
ANS companies, Vahid Mustafayev, is in the conference hall. Hello,
Vahid-muallim [form of address].

[Mustafayev] Hello.

[Presenter] Today is 10 September and the possibility of Armenian
officers’ arrival in Baku is becoming more real. What is ANS planning
to do to protest against their arrival?

[Mustafayev] Unfortunately, Armenian officers’ arrival in Baku is
still on the agenda. In this connection, ANS TV will stop broadcasting
entertainment programmes today at 1600 [1100 gmt]. Documentaries and
other programmes will be aired instead about criminal and brutal acts
that were committed by Armenian officers against our people.

Unlike last time when we suspended broadcasts for an hour, tomorrow
we will suspend broadcasts for two hours and during this time, our
employees will visit the Avenue of Martyrs and lay red pinks on the
graves of our martyrs. May the martyrs rest in peace.

[Presenter] May them rest in peace. This was the head of the group
of ANS companies, Vahid Mustafayev.

Zaminian Bedik:
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