Iranian president meets Armenian nationalist party leaders

Iranian president meets Armenian nationalist party leaders

Noyan Tapan news agency
9 Sep 04

Yerevan, 9 September: Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, who is
paying an official visit to Armenia, met representatives of the
Armenian Revolutionary Federation – Dashnaktsutyun [ARFD] in the
reception hall of the National Security Service on 9 September. These
are representatives of the party bureau, Grant Markaryan and Armen
Rustamyan, and the chairman of the ARFD faction in parliament,
Levon Lazarian.

Having welcomed the visit of the Iranian president to Armenia,
Markaryan stressed the importance of the visit for the development of
Armenian-Iranian relations and regional policy. Noting the significance
of the agreements and practical programmes signed during the visit,
Markaryan expressed his confidence that the visit would mark a new
stage in the history of centuries-old Armenian-Iranian friendship. He
expressed his hope that the agreements would help expand relations
between the states in the political, economic and cultural spheres.

The information service of the ARFD Supreme Council told Noyan Tapan
that Khatami noted the importance of the role that Armenia and the
Armenian people have been playing in the region and in the dialogue
of civilisations for thousands of years.

Speaking about the ARFD, which is an all-Armenian body, the Iranian
president also stressed its role in uniting the Armenian people living
all over the world, and its role in processes intended to strengthen
national conciliation.