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Speaker says refusal to allow Armenian servicemen entry to Baku”unac

Speaker says refusal to allow Armenian servicemen entry to Baku “unacceptable”

Mediamax news agency
13 Sep 04

Yerevan, 13 September: The speaker of the Armenian parliament, Artur
Bagdasaryan, today described Azerbaijan’s policy of avoiding any
contacts with the Armenian side both on the bilateral and regional
levels as “unacceptable”.

The head of the Armenian parliament said this in Yerevan today,
commenting on the Azerbaijani authorities’ refusal to grant entry
visas to five Armenian officers to attend the Cooperative Best Effort
– 2004 exercises within the framework of NATO’s Partnership for Peace
programme that were to start in Baku today.

“Nevertheless, Armenia will continue active and constructive regional
cooperation within the framework of NATO and other international
organizations,” Artur Bagdasaryan said.

Vardapetian Ophelia:
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