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ASBAREZ ONLINE [09-14-2004]


1) Kocharian, Aliyev to Tackle Karabagh Conflict at Astana Summit
2) Congresswoman Eshoo, State Senator Poochigian Honorees at 2004 ANCA Banquet
3) NATO Delegate Remarks on Armenian Genocide
4) Hamazkayin Honors its Cultural Leaders

1)Kocharian, Aliyev to Tackle Karabagh Conflict at Astana Summit

YEREVAN (Combined Sources)–President Robert Kocharian will leave for Astana,
Kazakhstan on Wednesday to participate in a summit of Commonwealth of
Independent States (CIS) heads of state. Kocharian and his Azeri counterpart
Ilham Aliyev will meet on the same day to discuss the current state of
negotiations on settling the Mountainous Karabagh conflict.
On the whole, the summit will take up broader cooperation of CIS
member-countries in responding to new challenges of global security and
stability. Economic interaction within the CIS, along with tackling problems
that hinder trade and economic cooperation, and other urgent issues are
also on
the agenda. The summit is expected to draft and ratify more than a dozen

2) Congresswoman Eshoo, State Senator Poochigian Honorees at 2004 ANCA Banquet

–Pre-banquet party to kick off fiscal year fundraising

LOS ANGELES–The Armenian National Committee of AmericaWestern Region
(ANCA-WR) recently announced that Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and
California State Senator Charles Poochigian (R-Fresno) will be honored at the
2004 Annual Banquet.
ANCA-WR Chairman of the Board of Directors Raffi Hamparian praised the
honorees saying, “Congresswoman Eshoo and Senator Poochigian are role models
and exemplary public officials in their respective bodies. They have brought
great pride to Armenian Americans and we are extremely grateful for their hard
work.” The Annual Banquet will be held at the Ritz-Carlton, Huntington
Hotel in
Pasadena on Sunday, October 24. The largest event of its kind that brings
Armenian Americans together with a large number of federal, state and local
public officials, the Banquet annually draws over 750 individuals, including a
long list of dignitaries. Last year’s event was no exception, and with this
year’s guest list packed with high profile figures, tickets sales are already
heating up.
The ANCA-WR Banquet is attended annually by prominent Members of Congress,
State Legislators, Mayors, academics, and a vast number of Armenian American
political activists.
“The Banquet continues to get better with each passing year, with more
dignitaries, better venues, and an amazing list of honorees,” commented
Executive Director Ardashes Kassakhian. “If you haven’t been to an Annual
Banquet, then you must attend. If you’re an activist or supporter
interested in
politics, helping the Armenian Cause, and meeting exciting and interesting
people, then this is your event,” added Kassakhian.
The annual pre-Banquet Kickoff Party will be at the elegant Cicada Restaurant
in downtown Los Angeles, on Thursday, September 16, at 7:30 PM. The Kickoff
Party generally attracts those interested in reserving tables for the Annual
Banquet. The complimentary event is part of ANCA-WR tradition marking the
beginning of the fundraising drive leading up to the Annual Banquet.

3) NATO Delegate Remarks on Armenian Genocide

YEREVAN (A1Plus)–Speaking at a news conference on Tuesday after meeting with
Armenia’s officials, head of Germany’s NATO delegation Markus Meckel, said
Armenia plays a key role in the stability of the South Caucasus, adding that
neighbors should maintain good relations for common security. A visiting
delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the NATO member states arrived
Monday in Yerevan. Meckel acknowledged the Armenian genocide, and
maintained it
must be recognized by the international community. Meckel, a lawmaker, is a
member of Germany’s Social Democrat party, and a former East German Foreign

4) Hamazkayin Honors its Cultural Leaders

The Hamazkayin Armenian Cultural and Educational Society honored three members
who, through their dedication and skill, have succeeded in elevating
culture in
the California Armenian community. Hamazkayin Kousan Choir director Professor
Ara Manash and the co-founders and artistic directors of the Ani Dance
Suzy Parseghian-Tarpinian and Yeghia Hasholian, received the Society’s highest
medal on September 12, during a public gathering that took place at Ferrahian
School’s Avedissian Hall.
Awarding the medals was Hamazkayin Central Executive chairman Dr. Megerdich
Megerdichian, who is visiting from Lebanon to review the region’s activities.
Megerdichian, who served as the keynote speaker of the September 12 event, was
honored two days earlier during a reception in his honor at the Pasadena
Armenian Center.
Hamazkayin Central Executive member Edward Misserlian and Western Region
chairman Vahakn Abkariants joined in congratulating the medal recipients, and
addressed the mission and future of the 76 year-old organization.

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Tumanian Talar:
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