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BAKU: Contribution to International Legal Cooperation

[September 14, 2004, 23:18:35]

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
Sept 14 2004

Close cooperation has been established between the International
Association of Public Prosecutors, one of the authoritative legal
organizations of the world, and the Republic of Azerbaijan, The
Republic is represented in the Executive Committee, supervising body
of the said structure.

Recently, in the capital of South Korea, Seoul, the annual conference
and general meeting of Association have taken place. Also participating
were the executives of bodies of Public Prosecutor, justice, judicial
and other law-enforcement services of about 100 states. Also was held
session of Executive Committee of the Organization. Azerbaijan on these
actions was represented by delegation headed by member of Executive
Committee of Association, Minister of Justice Fikrat Mammadov.

Minister of Justice of Azerbaijan, speaking in English, as the basic
lecturer at the conference devoted to problems of realization of
justice and criminal prosecution in the states with various legal
systems and other pressing questions, using, thus, modern technical
visual aids, has presented the detailed information on cardinal
democratic reforms and progressive changes which have been carried
out in legal system of our country under the direction of national
leader Heydar Aliyev, on purposeful measures in the field of reliable
maintenance of human rights, has answered questions of participants.
His report aroused deep interest and was distributed to participants
of action and, was included in official documents of the Conference,
distributed among law-enforcement structures of world.

On general meeting of the Association, were held elections to directing
bodies of the Organization. Minister of Justice of Azerbaijan, in
view of his fruitful activity in work of the Organization again has
been elected member of the Executive Committee, and the information
on the contribution of Azerbaijan in development of Association, has
been included in the official final document and distributed among
participants of the action. Azerbaijan alongside with the advanced
states of the world is represented in supervising body of this
authoritative organization, what, strengthening the international
connections of the Republic, expands opportunities of cooperation
with law-enforcement structures of the foreign states in rendering
legal aid.

Within the framework of visit, were held meetings with heads
of law-enforcement services of the various states, prospects
of cooperation discussed, and presented information on the
Azerbaijan realities, in particular, attracted attention to the
Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The general public
prosecutor of Laos, showing big interest to cooperation with
Azerbaijan, has with satisfaction emphasized, that the Laotians
graduated from the higher educational institutions of Azerbaijan, hold
high posts in this country, and also are represented in the government.

During the visit, the participants familiarized with the
law-enforcement system of South Korea, useful exchange of experience
and views has been carried out at meetings with Minister of Justice
and the general public prosecutor of the country.

Madatian Greg:
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