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BAKU: Parliament Members Discuss NATO

Parliament Members Discuss NATO

Baku Today, Azerbaijan
Sept 15 2004

Abolition of NATO maneuvers “Cooperativ Best Effort 2004” in Azerbaijan
was discussed at yesterday’s session of Azerbaijani parliament
(Milli Mejlis).

Turan/BT — Deputy Ibrahim Isayev expressed his regrets that NATO
yielded to Armenians and abolished maneuvers in Baku. “We did not
let Armenian officers to Baku, and I want to congratulate you on
this occasion,” he said. The leader of the Party of Popular Front
of United Azerbaijan Gudrat Hasanguliyev expressed his satisfaction
and called this event as “big achievement”. Hasanguliyev called to
be “vigilant” concerning persons and companies, who “contact” with
Armenians, and indicated on non-admission of such cooperation.

At the same time, the deputy Musa Musayev expressed his doubt
concerning positive results of cancellation of NATO maneuvers. He
reminded about significant efforts, which Azerbaijan put for joining
of Azerbaijan as associated member of the parliament assembly of
NATO. If Azerbaijan strives settling Karabakh problem by peaceful
means, then it must cooperate with NATO, said Musayev.

The parliament speaker Murtuz Aleskerov said to certain extent
NATO decision served as response to appellation of the Azerbaijan
parliament. “We protested against arrival of servicemen, who occupied
our lands and shed blood of our nation and achieved their purpose,”
he said.

Jalatian Sonya:
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