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Sixth Armenia-EU coop council held in Brussels


Sept 14 2004

BRUSSELS. SEPTEMBER 14, ARMENPRESS: Armenian foreign affairs ministry
said that on September 14, the sixth meeting of the European Union
– Armenia Cooperation Council took place in Brussels. Armenia’s
Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian lead the Armenian delegation.
Foreign Minister Bernard Bot of the Netherlands, whose country
currently holds the EU presidency, headed the EU delegation.

This annual meeting was the first official one to take place following
Armenia’s inclusion in the European Neighborhood Policy last June. The
agenda included a discussion of that new approach to the Caucasus,
economic and political reforms, energy and regional issues, and
prospects for deeper cooperation.

Armenia’s foreign minister welcomed Armenia’s inclusion (together with
the other two republics of the South Caucasus) in the Neighborhood
Policy, and affirmed Armenia’s readiness to work with the EU to
correctly identify Armenia’s needs and priorities and work together to
benefit from the EU’s experience and resources. The Minister explained
that even as Armenia has embarked on a plan to approximate Armenia’s
legislation to EU standards, Armenia is prepared to go ahead with
additional legislative reforms.

The EU delegation noted Armenia’s successful political and economic
reforms, noting that there must be continuity in order for Armenia
to fulfill its international commitments. The Armenian delegation
commented on Armenia’s high economic growth of the last several years,
and affirmed Armenia’s efforts to sustain such growth in order to
continue to decrease the poverty level. Armenia also reiterated its
intention to obtain Market Economy Status from the EU, in order to
more confidently pursue exports and trade with Europe.

The issue of Armenia’s nuclear power plant and its eventual closure
was also on the EU agenda. Armenia reiterated its commitment to
ensuring the plant’s safety, even as efforts are undertaken to secure
alternative energy sources.

The two sides agreed to explore the possibility of establishing
a subcommittee to deal with issues relating to scientific and
technological research, as well as furthering the established exchange
and collaboration that exists between the two scientific communities.

Regional cooperation, conflict resolution and stability were at the
focus of the discussions. The Armenia-European Union Cooperation
Council also addressed the Nagorno Karabagh resolution process,
as well as the need to positively engage Turkey in regional processes.

The Armenian delegation included deputy ministers of Trade and Economic
Development, Finance and Energy. The European delegation included
the European Union’s Special Representative to the South Caucasus,
Ambassador Heikki Talvitie, and Nicolas Schmit, Minister Delegate
for Foreign Affairs and Immigration of Luxembourg, which next holds
the EU Presidency.

Zakarian Garnik:
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