Armenian MP unhappy about Council of Europe Karabakh report

Armenian MP unhappy about Council of Europe Karabakh report

Public Television of Armenia
16 Sep 04

[Presenter] Adequate, but unsatisfactory – this was the assessment of
democratic changes in Armenia in a report by a co-rapporteur of the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe [PACE] on Armenia’s

At another debate in Paris, MPs of PACE heard a report on Karabakh. The
report had been drawn up by [Council of Europe Secretary-General]
Terry Davis, who said that it should not be accepted as the
secretary-general’s view. This report was filed once it was submitted
to the political commission.

The head of the Armenian delegation at the Council of Europe, Tigran
Torosyan, said that the filed report by Terry Davis did not contain
favourable statements on the Karabakh conflict. Now the major goal
is to have a new report drafted that will describe the real situation.

[Tigran Torosyan over telephone] I suggested in my speech that a
meeting be arranged without delay between representatives of Nagornyy
Karabakh, Armenia and Azerbaijan in the presence of the co-chairs
of the OSCE Minsk Group. The presence of the co-chairs is of utmost
importance as Terry Davis’s report also refers to the Minsk Group.

[Presenter] The MP from the opposition, Shavarsh Kocharyan, is unhappy
about the PACE report on Armenia honouring its commitments. PACE
expressed its “satisfaction” with the fulfilment of the requirements
of the January session of the Council of Europe. Kocharyan said that
the word “satisfaction” implied honouring the commitments.

Armenian delegates who were absent from the PACE session believe that
the report is impartial.

[Passage omitted: covered views of parliamentary factions]