Freedom of Culture More Important Than Economic Growth

A1 Plus | 16:52:08 | 20-09-2004 | Social |


Armenia has improved its ranking in the UN annual World Humanitarian
Report for 2004 by five points. The republic is placed 82nd in the
list of 177 countries.

UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative Lise Grande
said Monday Freedom of Culture is chosen as topic of the 2004 report.

The report stresses the idea of people’s right to preserve their
ethnic, linguistic and religious originality.

Lise Grande thinks humanitarian development is more important than
economic growth. Humanitarian development levels have been determined
by taking into account three factors: per capita income, literacy and
human life length.

The inferences were based on figures presented by international not
national sources.

Lise Grande views Armenia as a good example of ethnic minorities’
rights protection.

Armenian foreign minister Vardan Oscanyan shares her view saying there
is no ethnic-minorities-related problem in Armenia.

In his opinion, freedom of culture promotes democracy and development.