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2005 Armenia Semester Abroad

Armenia Semester Abroad Program- 2005
Barlow Der Mugrdechian
Armenian Studies Program
5245 N Backer Ave PB4
Fresno, CA 93740-8001
Email: barlowd@csufresno.edu

ASP Office: 559-278-2669
Office: 559-278-4930
FAX: 559-278-2129

Visit the Armenian Studies Program Web Page at

Armenian Studies Program * California State University, Fresno
Spring 2005 Armenia Semester Abroad Program

Semester begins – Feb. 14 – May 14, 2005

Experience a semester abroad in Yerevan, Armenia. This one semester
program is designed to introduce students to Armenian language,
history, art, and contemporary events. The semester schedule is
composed of five courses: Armenian language (4 units); Armenian art
and architecture (3 units); Armenia today (3 units); Armenian studies
(3 units); Independent study (2 units).
Courses, based on curriculum used by the Armenian Studies Program at
California State University, Fresno, will be taught by faculty from
Yerevan State University.
The academic committee in charge of curriculum is composed of Dr.
Dickran Kouymjian, Haig and Isabel Berberian Professor of Armenian
Studies at Fresno State, Dr. Tom Samuelian of Arlex International,
and Barlow Der Mugrdechian of the Armenian Studies Program at Fresno
Full information on the program is available at the following web

Eligibility: The program is open to all college juniors and seniors
and graduate students who have maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA.
Fees: Fees for the program are $2,250 per person (for 15 units of
courses) and an additional fee of approximately of $160 for health
insurance. Room and board, air fare, and transportation and any
additional costs are the responsibility of the student. (The Program
will assist in finding living arrangements)
Deadline: Students are required to fill in the following application
form and return it to the Armenian Studies Program by December 1,
2004 for study abroad in Armenia in the Spring semester 2005.
Required information for application: Official college transcript;
One page essay on why you would like to participate in the Armenia
Study Abroad Program, what has prepared you for study in such a
Program, and why you are qualified to participate; One passport sized
color photo; Names and telephone numbers of two references
(non-related). In addition please submit Name, Address, City, State,
Zip, Telephone number, Email address, Date of birth: (Please clearly
print all information and make sure that the telephone number and
email address are current). Send the application form, and all
requested material to: Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Armenian Studies
Program, 5245 N Backer Ave. PB4. Fresno, CA 93740-8001
If you have any questions contact: Barlow Der Mugrdechian office
telephone: 559-278-4930 * email: barlowd@csufresno.edu
Travel fellowship: Travel fellowships are available to qualified
applicants who are accepted into the Fresno State Armenia Semester
Abroad Program through BirthRight Armenia/Depi Hayk (BR/DH). (See
below for Eligibility). The travel fellowship covers reimbursement of
roundtrip economy class airfare at the average price for that period
upon successful completion of the program and BR/DH requirements.
Applications for the travel fellowships are due by January 15, 2005.
The application form is posted on the

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