A.R.F. Zavarian Student Association Conference Opening Ceremony


The 5-day pan-Armenian student conference entitled “Armenian students facing
the challenges of the 21st century”, which is organized on the occasion of
the A.R.F. Zavarian Student Association’s centenary, by both the A.R.F.
Bureau Youth Office and the A.R.F. Z.S.A., is going to be held until the
25th of September, 2004 in Beirut, Lebanon.

The opening ceremony took place on the evening of September 20 at the
Aghpalian Sports and Cultural Center. Speakers included the A.R.F. Bureau
representative and a member of the A.R.F. Central Committee of Lebanon. The
Z.S.A. representative conveyed to the audience the official congratulatory
letter of the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY), received on the
occasion of the association’s 100th anniversary.

The ceremony ended with the projection of a documentary presenting the
biography of Simon Zavarian, founder of the A.R.F. Zavarian Student

It is worth mentioning that students representing various youth and student
organizations from Armenia, Karabakh, Javakhk, Russia, Iran, Iraq, France,
Canada, Germany, Greece, USA (East and West coasts), Syria and Lebanon are
taking part in the before mentioned conference. Earlier in the day, the
participants visited several places, including the Z.S.A. office, in the
area of Bourj-Hammoud, which is known as being populated mainly by