Armenian, Belarus chief prosecutors sign cooperation memo

Armenian, Belarus chief prosecutors sign cooperation memo

20 Sep 04


Armenian and Belarus Prosecutor-Generals Agvan Ovsepyan and Viktar
Sheyman respectively signed a memorandum on mutual assistance and
cooperation in Yerevan today. A delegation of the Belarus
Prosecutor-General’s Office led by Prosecutor-General Sheyman arrived
in Armenia yesterday at the invitation of the Armenian
prosecutor-general and will complete its visit tomorrow.

[Passage omitted: the Minsk convention regulates relations between the

The Belarus prosecutor-general said that 39 trade-economic,
military-technical, scientific-technical and other agreements and
contracts in various areas had been signed between the sides. In 2001,
Viktar Sheyman added, a large-scale agreement on friendship and
cooperation was signed between Armenia and Belarus.

[Passage omitted: large Armenian community lives in Belarus]