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Armenia hosts CoE top-level domain registers summit

Sept 22 2004


YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 22, ARMENPRESS: The summit of Council of
European Top-Level Domain Registers (CENTR) was held in Yerevan on
Sept 21-22. The Armenian Internet Union hosted top level managers of
33 Internet Domains from 55 countries. Some 95 percent of domains are
registered members of CENTR.
Speaking at a wrapping-up conference, the chairman of the
executive committee of CENTR mentioned that the 23-rd Yerevan summit
was devoted to reduction of risks in national domain management. The
German representative of the Council has suggested that national
domain reserve servers be located in Germany, saying Germany is ready
to serve them free of charge.
Speaking on internet management opportunities in Armenia, the
chairman of the Council, Giovanni Sepiani, noted that high-level
infrastructures are operating in Armenia. He said using the European
experience here will be very lucrative for Armenia. To improve the
domain, Armenia may be involved in European Union special grant
programs which are open to non-EU countries.
Armenian Internet Union has registered 4,500 domain thus far while
in newly EU member Lithuania has 22,000 and Germany – 8 mln domains.
According to Internet Union chairman Igor Mkrtumian, the low number
of domains in Armenia may be explained first of all by Armentel’s a
monopoly on information transmission.

Hakobian Adrine:
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