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Atayan Readings


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
06 Oct 04

Every year on these days Atayan Readings are held in NKR. Ivan Atayan,
the first and last teacher from Artsakh honoured as Soviet People’s
Teacher, the director of the village school, was famous in the union
for training excellent specialists of physics. During this traditional
gathering the participants remember the great teacher and the
excellent specialist of physics, as wellas make practical steps to
improve the educational system, which was especially obvious this
year. At the gathering in the Artsakh State University were present
the best specialists of physics and mathematics of all the regions of
the republic, as well as the participants of the fourth conference of
young physicists from Armenia who are in NKR on these days. In his
address the minister of education, culture and sport Armen Sarghissian
highly praised this undertaking which has already become a tradition
being held for the forth time. The Ministry awarded the medal
`I. Atayan’ to a group of physicists from Artsakh and Armenia. The
rector of the ArSU H. Grigorian, emphasized the achievements of I.
Atayan not only as a teacher, and also pointed out his political
activity. He was among the avant-garde of the Artsakh movement and was
involved in the delegation that went to Moscow on the question of
Artsakh. And in the period of ` safanovshina’ his home became the
secret place of gathering for theleaders of the movement. There were
reports by specialists of Artsakh and Armenia on the sphere of cadres.


Nahapetian Samvel:
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