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Joint Position is Necessary Over Karabakh Issue

A1 Plus

Resignation of Robert Kocharyan, Serj Sargssyan and Vardan Oskanyan is
the only possible way to avoid settlement of Karabakhi conflict in a
manner unfavourable for Armenia and they have a few months for
that. Aram Sargssyan, Chairman of Democratic Party of Armenia, has
today announced this in `Azdak’ Club.

‘Now Armenia has to resume the negotiations with minus. Azerbaijan is
ahead in the propaganda aspect’, Aram Sargssyan reminded adding the
worldaccepts the arguments of Azerbaijan regarding the territorial

DPA Chair Aram Sargssyan, ex Defence Minister Vagharshak Harutyunyan
and Vice-Chair of Constitutional Right Union Hayk Babukhanyan together
with NKR representatives and Azerbaijan’s delegation have partaken in
Dortmund 7th conference. It was held under the chairmanship of
American and Russian co-chairs.

At the conference the stage-by-stage and package version for the
conflict settlement was suggested, in other words, to find a package
solution which will be implemented step-by-step. Azerbaijan side even
agreed to negotiate over the intermediate status of NKR. But at the
end of the conference the Azeri part started dwelling on the same old
subject on `returning the territories’, and the meeting ended without
reaching any results.

Aram Sargssyan finds that the Armenian side has 6 versions for
Karabakhi conflict settlement to start negotiations with each and to
reach the solution favourable for Armenia – political, legal, military
and economic variants, reservation of status quo and establishment of
a common union. Mr. Sargssyan is surprised why the Authorities have to
protect or justify themselves insteadof appearing at the position of

Aram Sargssyan thinks hearings must be held in Parliament, joint
position and state conception must be formed. We asked if Opposition
having 23 MPs was ready to share responsibility with Authorities in
the present conditions unfavourable for Karabakhi conflict
settlement. Aram Sargssyan said if Authorities don’ t share the same
standpoint with Opposition, no joint stance will be set and Opposition
won’t accept responsibility.

Karabekian Emil:
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