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Everything for Development of Karabakh


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
18 Oct 04

As we have already informed, a new school was built in the village of
Shosh, sponsored by the Armenian community of Canada. At the ceremony
of opening the executive director of the pan-Armenian foundation
`Hayastan’ Naira Melkumian was present. We talked to her on the
activity of the foundation, plans for the near future, as well as the
upcoming marathon of donations. – I want to start with the building of
the school because it is the event of the day. It is very encouraging
indeed that the program of school building is implemented in
villages. In the towns the problem seems to have been solved already,
and it is time now to render Karabakh into a developed area. All the
programs presently implemented in Artsakh are a transition from
humanitarian to new development programs. In the nearest future the
foundation will build more schools in Artsakh, that is to say, the
program of school building has not been completed yet. Besides,
perhaps you know that a medical institution – a complex building of
policlinic – is built in Stepanakert, which is unique not only in
Artsakh but also in Armenia. The medical complex will be supplied with
modern equipmentof European standards. These programs help to solve
economic and social problems in Karabakh. The people of Karabakh are
employed in construction works carried out by the foundation, thereby
solving the problem of unemployment. According to our estimates, about
1000 people work in those building sites, and works of 7 million are
carried out in Artsakh. Hopefully this number will grow every year and
in 2 or 3 years the construction of the highway `North – South’ will
be finished. In parallel we will undertake other projects the
implementation of which will favour the settlement of political
problems as well because developed Karabakh will settle its issue
itself. – What future programs, undertakings are there? – Soon we are
going to solve the problem ofwater supply of Stepanakert after which
water will be supplied by a regular schedule.

Unfortunately, we cannot provide 24 hour running water at present. I
know there are problems of water at many places in Karabakh. In
certain communities the problem will be solved soon. On the whole, the
programs are many: hospitals, schools, water reservoirs – Every year
the marathon of national donations is held. Is it going to be held
this year? – Certainly. The traditional TV marathon will be held on
November 21. We hope it will be successful. Besides, I would like to
use the chance and ask our fellow countrymen to take an active part in
it, more active than last year. At that time about 60-70 thousand
dollars was raised in Artsakh. It would be good to increase the sum up
to 100 thousand dollarsat least. This will encourage our compatriots
in the Diaspora. – As far as I remember, the business circles of
Russia were not active during the previous telethon. What
anticipations do you have for this year? – You know,we must have a
correct attitude towards the participation of the Armenian community
of Russia. All of us know about the great aid provided to Artsakh and
Armenia by the Armenians of Russia. The aid to region counts
millions. This year too, theywill participate by all means.


Navasardian Karapet:
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