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Arkady Ghoukassian:”If Azerbaijan Was In Mood For Peace Seriously, I


DETROIT, November 23 (Noyan Tapan). If Goris-Lachin-Stepanakert
highway is the way of life for Nagorno Karabakh, the “North-South”
highway being under construction will become one of the most important
constituent parts of the NKR economic development. NKR President Arkady
Ghoukassian said about it during the public forum held in Detroit,
in which representatives of the Armenian Diaspora of this American
city participated.

On November 17, the NKR President arrived in Detroit from New York
within the framework of the visit to the US in connection with the
regular telethon on fundraising in support to Nagorno Karabakh to
be held here on November 25. It is expected that the collected funds
will be directed at the completion of the “North-South” highway being
of strategic importance to Nagorno Karabakh. The highway will connect
almost all the regions of the republic.

The NKR President called on participants of the forum and in their
person the whole Armenian Community of Detroit to participate in
the forthcoming telethon and, in such a way, support actively the
socio-economic development of Artsakh. Both here and at Arkady
Ghoukassian’s meetings in New York the line of the policies on the
democratization of the social-political life and the building of the
civil society in Nagorno Karabakh, as well as the reformation of its
economy, the revival of its cultural and spiritual spheres carried
out by the President met with approval. Participants of the forum
agreed in the opinion that the current moods of different circles
of the Armenian Community of the US, which expresses willingness
to enlarge aid to Artsakh for the resolution of problems put before
it on the development and strengthening of the republic’s economic
complex, is explained by successes achieved by Nagorno Karabakh in
the democratic reforms.

Such moods, in particular, were also observed during Arkady
Ghoukassian’s meeting with the students and teaching staff of the
Michigan University held in the city of An-Harbor the day before, on
November 18. Those present at the meeting were especially interested
in the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Arkady Ghoukassian,
briefly speaking about the history of the rise of the Nagorno Karabakh
problem, emphasized that official Stepanakert stands for only the
peaceful settlement of the conflict with Azerbaijan in contrast to
Azerbaijan that tries to do it by force. And it takes place regardless
of the fact that Azerbaijan failed once, when perpetrated large-scale
military aggression against Nagorno Karabakh, which yielded to
Azerbaijan in the military equipment and force. “If Azerbaijan was
in mood for peace seriously, it would carry on direct negotiations
with Nagarno Karabakh,” Arkady Ghoukassian announced.

It was noticed during Arkady Ghoukassian’s meeting with the students
and teachers of the school after Alek and Mary Manukians that there is
the necessity of closer contacts between the Armenian high schools of
the US and Artsakh. The President thanked the Manukians for constant
support to Artsakh. Then he visited the museum, which is situated at
the school and also bears the names of Alek and Mary Manukians. Arkady
Ghoukassian with great interest got acquainted with the exposition of
the museum, in particular, with the unique collection of the Armenian
ancient manuscripts, antique household goods, as well as with the
paintings of great Armenian masters Ivan Aivazovsky, Martiros Saryan
and other famous artists.

According to the Head Information Department attached to the NKR
President, a reception in honor of Arkady Ghoukassian was held at
the house of Marta and Diana Shushanians the same evening. The most
influential representatives of the Armenian Community of Detroit were
invited there.

The call for taking an active part in the forthcoming telethon
resounded at all the meetings once again.

Madatian Greg:
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