Azeri leader receives credentials of Iraqi, Japanese, Ukraine envoys

Azeri leader receives credentials of Iraqi, Japanese, Ukrainian envoys

ANS TV, Baku
2 Dec 04

Presenter Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev today received the
credentials of the newly-appointed ambassadors to Azerbaijan from
Iraq, Japan and Ukraine.

Correspondent, over video of the ceremony The president first met
Japanese ambassador Tadahiro Abe. The Japanese ambassador spoke about
friendly relations between the two countries and the history of
bilateral ties. He conveyed his emperor’s greetings to Ilham
Aliyev. President Aliyev spoke about cooperation with the Japanese
government within the framework of international organizations. The
Japanese government has allocated major loans to Azerbaijan so far and
major projects are being implemented due to those loans, he said.

President Aliyev thanked the ambassador and his government for
cooperation in the humanitarian sphere and for schools built in
Azerbaijan on the funds allocated by the Japanese government.

Then Aliyev received the credentials of Ukrainian ambassador Anatoliy
Yurchenko. The ambassador said that he had arrived in Azerbaijan at a
difficult time for his country. However, he hoped that his activity
would give an impetus for the development of relations between the two
countries. He said that Azerbaijan and Ukraine were successfully
developing cooperation within the framework of the CIS, the Council of
Europe and the GUUAM Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and
Moldova countries.

President Aliyev said that Ukraine always supported Azerbaijan in the
Karabakh settlement.

The Karabakh conflict was a focus of attention when the president
received the credentials of Iraqi ambassador Umar Isma’il. The
president recalled that the Azerbaijani lands had been occupied by
Armenians and said that the Iraqi people was also living through hard
times. He hoped that peace will be restored in this Middle East
country soon.

Leyla Hasanova, Ali Ahmadov, Ibrahim Telmanoglu for ANS.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress