Zurabian: Armenia Independent State, Won’t Accept Vassal Relations


YEREVAN, December 9 (Noyan Tapan). “We will consistently work against
any violation of constitutional system and are ready to cooperate in
this issue with any political force,” Ararat Zurabian, Chairman of
Board of Armenian National Movement, declared during the 14 congress
of the party. In his speech he strictly criticized the ruling
administration. According to him, Robert Kocharian and the “political
forces serving him” for many times made victorious statements,
according to which they will achieve Nagorno Karabakh’s independence,
but these statements weren’t fulfilled. Ararat Zurabian declared that
signing the Istanbul charter, Robert Kocharian de facto recognized
Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity. In the opinion of the Chairman of
ANM Board, another serious mistake of the president is forcing Nagorno
Karabakh out of the negotiation process, as a result of which the
problem transformed into a territorial argument between Armenia and
Azerbaijan. Ararat Zurabian called on to arrange cooperation with all
neighbours in the region. According to him, normalization of relations
with Turkey will play a very positive role in the economic development
of Armenia. As for the current level of Armenian-Russian relations,
Ararat Zurabian declared that at present these are interrelations
between “a servant and a master.” “When ANM held the power we tried to
equalize these relations but today again any Russian official of
medium rank may solve all issues necessary for him in Armenia.” To
recap, ANM isn’t against Russia, Zurabian emphasized that “Armenia is
an independent state and we don’t accept vassal relations.”