Countries Weighing Troop Withdrawal after the Iraqi Gen’l Elections

Donga, South Korea
Dec 10 2004

Countries Carefully Weighing Troop Withdrawal after the Iraqi General

DECEMBER 10, 2004 22:25
by Ho-Gab Lee Hun-Joo Cho ([email protected] [email protected])

There was a time when a total of 35 countries had their troops in
Iraq after the Iraq war started in March 2003. Yet, more and more
countries are now busy withdrawing or reducing their troops.

As of December 10, the number of countries with troops in Iraq has
been reduced to 28, excluding the U.S.

Seven countries withdrew their troops this year, and three other
countries are planning to do so by May of next year. The main reason
is the ever-worsening security situation in Iraq.

Domino Effect of Withdrawal and Reduction of Troops-

As of February 2004, a total of 35 nations had dispatched troops to
Iraq at the request of the U.S. However, currently there are 158,900
troops from 28 countries stationed in Iraq. Excluding U.S. troops,
the number of troops stands at a mere 3,900.

Starting with troop withdrawal by Nicaragua in February, seven
countries have pulled their troops entirely out of Iraq including
Spain (early April), the Dominican Republic (early May), Honduras
(late May), the Philippines (July), Thailand (late August), and New
Zealand (late September). Spain pulled their troops out as their
government changed, mainly due to the shock caused by the tragic
Madrid bombing. Other countries decided to withdraw troops because
domestic public opinion became increasingly hostile toward the
dispatch of troops, as there is little sign of improvement in the
Iraqi security situation.

In addition, Hungary is planning to pull out troops by late December.
Poland and the Netherlands are scheduled to do so by January and
March of next year, respectively.

An increasing number of countries are planning to reduce their troop
size, if not complete withdrawal.

Four countries, Ukraine (200 troops), Moldova (12 troops), Norway
(150 troops) and Bulgaria (50 troops), have already reduced their
troop size. Poland has decided to cut some of their troops next year.

It is highly likely that some of the countries which still have their
troops on Iraqi soil will announce troop withdrawal or reduction if
the Iraqi general elections scheduled for January 30, 2005 are
successfully carried out.

Meanwhile, there are countries planning to dispatch or increase their
troops in Iraq. Armenia and Fiji announced their decision to send
troops. Georgia, Romania, and Albania have all promised to send
additional troops. However, the countries are not likely to deliver
the promise anytime soon, as they attached a condition that their
troops should be under the flag of the United Nations.

The Japanese Public is against Prolonged Troops Dispatch-

After the Japanese government decided to prolong the stay of
Self-Defense Forces (SDF) by one year on December 9, the Asahi
newspaper strongly blamed the Japanese government in an editorial it
ran the next day.

The paper strongly accused the government’s decision, saying, `More
than 60 percent of the public is against the prolonged troop
deployment. The cause of the Iraq war has been denied as many
countries are pulling out or reducing their troops.’

The leader of the main opposition Democratic Party, Katsuya Okada,
has said that he would urge the Japanese again to pull out the SDF
from Iraq in the plenary session of parliament next year.

As the SDF is not allowed to engage in battle, according to the
Japanese constitution, the Dutch troops have undertaken patrol
operations. The problem is that the Dutch troops will leave Iraq in
March of next year. It is expected that argument for troop pullout in
Japan would gain steam again after March, especially if Japanese
casualties occur by attacks from Iraqi insurgents.