From writers’ point of view,

Roj TV, Denmark
Dec 10 2004

>From writers’ point of view, Kurds and EU: Every one should make

While campaigns like “Yes to Discrepancies, No to Separatism” are
being held on solution of Kurd Problem, which is a significant
parameter in relations between Turkey and the European Union (EU) and,
comes on the agenda in accordance with regional relationships, some
authors pointed the significance of the problem to be solved.

By referring to the Dec. 17 summit, they stated that the problem
should be solved even if a date for the start of talks were not
announced. Armenian Author Mýgýrdiç Margosyan says: ”I wish, we took
steps in democratization, liberty and human rights for ourselves not
by impositions. If we enter the EU, if such a process comes true , I
think, several problems of minorities and especially of Kurds will be
solved easily.”

Turkish foreign policy has been focused on the 17 Dec, when a Road Map
will be drawn for the membership of Turkey. Whether or not to give a
date for starting membership negotiations with Turkey will be
determined on Dec.17. Some discussions are being made on Kurd, Cyprus
and Aegean Sea Problems, and labor power and Turkey’s economical
picture is awaited on the table of the EU. It is considered crucial in
terms of Kurd Problem that President of European Parliament Josep
Borrell Fontelles visited Diyarbakir after Ankara, in his presidency

Kurdish, Turkish, Armenian and Circassion writers answered to question
”How it fixing a date of starting negations to Turkey on Dec. 17 may
contribute to the solution of Kurd Problem.”

Armenian Author Migirdich Margosyan: ”I am in favour of those who
think that Turkey should access to the EU because the union open some
doors for us. Let’s face it or not, we obliged to either reluctantly
or compulsorily make declinations on democratization, becoming free,
human rights and all the others. That one may say these new steps were
taken by impositions or recommendations. If wish, it would not have
happened so, namely, I wish, we ourselves would have done the new
expansions neither by these or those policies of the EU nor by its
two-way polices (harsh and soft) I do never agree in what our
politicians said or are saying that they wanted all of those works for
their humans, since if there were something like this, would not have
faced the impositions of the EU. If we are deigning to some
modifications in the Turkish constitution, this have occurred as
result of the EU pressure. I see it entering the EU to be useful. I
believe that the unity will make contributions to the solution of Kurd
Problem. If we enter the EU, if such a process comes true, I think,
several problems of minorities and especially of Kurds will be solved

‘Solution is a process and end everyone should endeavour’

Circassion Poet Mansur Balcý says: ”Firstly, the accession to the EU
does not mean that every thing will be solved at once. A process or a
type of life like we are in the union is experienced in the talks
operation. This a mutual interest and will be lived as a process. I
had to write in Turkish in place of my mother tongue, but now everyone
is able to produce by both mother tongue and joint language, which is
an unbelievable wealth. When the guns lay down, soldiers attempted to
establish the voice of peace but Intelligentsia was not involved in
the process. But it is not the soldier that will constitute the
language of peace. Kurd Problem will not be solved in a day by
accessing to European society, this is a process. Every one should
struggle for this operation.”

‘There is a need to peace’

Writer and Poet Haydar Ergülen say:” I hope this will be more
positive and will give way to more positive results in Kurd Problem.
I believe, in fact I wish, that peace operation will come true. I wish
this for all the young; not only those on mounts but also soldiers. I
do not the blood to be shed any more. Nobody needs blood but every
body is in need of peace.

Author Cezmi Ersoz: “After Dec. 17, some impositions will be started
by the EU. No doubt, this process will create new areas of liberty in
Kurd Problem, beside expansions. It also caused an atmosphere of
debate. I wish Dec. 17 end safe and sound. This is process may augment
and last 15 years. Even if the European Union does not our
participation in the unity, this will make us achieve some
declinations and provide new fields of liberty. Even we do not access
to the EU, we should appraise the operation well. This process, at
least, will create an environment in which Kurdish Public is given
opportunity to live with Turkish counterpart. I wish no misfortune,
provocation and coup d’état happen and I also wish no tension appear
between Peoples. We must have a common sense more to fulfill the
process. Two Publics should be open to dialog, as should their
actors. A shepherd in Hakkari and a 12-year boy were killed. Some ones
press the button. I want the intelligentsia to be sensitive about
these provocations. I am optimistic. Yes, a date will be given.”

Syrian Author Sherko Cihani: ”If Turkey goes in the EU, it should
make rooted changes. They should also provide assistance. Just like
how the EU promoted the unity of nations inside, It should endure this
for Turkish and Kurdish Peoples. The 1st and 2nd World Wars made
Europeans kill each other. There were too many combats. The German
killed the French, as the latter did the same, but today these people
live friendly together. There is no boundary between them but there is
one between Turks and Kurds. This border is combat and blood. Blood of
humans is shed. Ocalan has interpreted these in his defense. A
response should be given to KONGRA-GEL (Kurdistan People’s
Congress). EU should not want KONGRA-GEL to surround to, which is not
such a system to cave in. Maybe, within the framework of democracy,
justice and humanity KONGA-GEL may be a political party in
Turkey. Just like how we see political parties of some groups in
Europe, Turkey must officially admit KONGRA-GEL. In addition, the
gangs must be removed and militarism has to be reduced. Two committees
came to Turkey and had good practices, nevertheless the country
constantly held military operations. They should stop and as well as
village guard system to be abolished. Good economical grounds should
be laid down in Kurdistan by Turkey and Europe. Not only for a
democratic Turkey but also a democratic Middle East Europe should have
works. The date should be given according to Turkey’s practices .A
term for negotiations should be given to Turkey. As to its practices
the date can be taken back because Turkey may not take these steps

Writer Altay Marti: ”A thing between to give or not give a date for
negotiations will happen. A date will be given but, we will not
understand whether we have been taken to unity or not. I do not think
that no change will happen in economy, Turkey’s Kurd policy and
general picture of the country. As a matter of fact, we understand
this from what has happened hitherto. Three are thousands types of
pressure. These are, too, a matter of the process, but in the long
term both the Kurds and Turks need a more democratic, humanely and
prosperous life. I do not think that Europe will solve all these at
once. That the President of European Parliament came to Diyarbakir is
a sample that shows where the problem will be solved. Even if some
parts of People in Turkey do not know where the problem will be
solved, the dominants do know. As they know they come here,
Diyarbakir. I would like a democratic expansion for all of us.

Author, Tuna Kiremitci: ”Generally, we need to solve our national
problem. What is Kurd? What is Turk? What is the relation between the
Kurd and Turk? How it should be? It will be very nice, if these cause
us to answer the questions that have not been answered through out the
history of Turkish Republic, if we, ourselves, succeed in doing
this. Even though the thing that had had to be done before a long time
is delayed, it will have been fulfilled. We would want to realize the
process without requiring the EU, but we can wangle by ourselves. I am
thinking now that ”Yes” will be said to Turkey”

Syrian Kurdish Writer Deham Abdulfettah: ”In the EU, It will be good
to give a date to Turkey. If the Kurd Problem comes on the agenda of
the EU, this will be good. When Turkey enters the unity, the laws of
the union will effective on the Turkish state.”

Author Suheyla Acar: ” I do not believe that during the operation of
membership, the EU will not dictate the solution of Kurd Problem to
Turkey, if political balances are thought. Therefore, if this problem
is solved in Turkey, this will be done by the approach of political
power. This is a sensitive subject at which political power in Turkey
is strong. The problem can be solved stage by stage and with the of
passing over some hindrances. This will take time. I do not think it
to be solved at a night. I am not a political scientist and my
foresights may not be true but, I think that a date will be given,
because this is not a thing to be put on the table as only Turkey’s
demand. From Europe’s point of view, this bears importance. I do not
think the EU to run a risk.

Kurdolog Emir Hasanpour: ”It makes a positive effect in general but
this is not absolute. The Kurds should not think every thing will be
solved and be happy. They also should not be consoled, because there
is affirmativeness only at proportion of what the Turkish state has
compensated. If Turkey tells: ‘I do not admit this’, Europe can not
press on Turkey with works. Turkey, too, should be willing in solving
the question.”

Critic Hayri Kako Yetik , one of the founders of Agora journal says:
”We ourselves should solve the question but, in the EU accession
process, unfortunately the laws are modified with the pressure of the
EU. Even if this comes from Europe, we affirm it. The most important
thing is to exceed our prejudices. Without exceeding our prejudices,
there is not much to be realized in life. The prejudiced opinion of
people about Kurds must be broken. Turks are prejudiced against Kurds,
and the latter’s also biased against the formers. The same prejudices,
unfortunately, is there between Arabs and Turks. This jaundice which
is rooted from the past must be abolished. The politician should put
aside their political accounts. Those who are in favour of peace,
brotherhood, humanity must raise their voice a lot. These sectors
should be self-denying. The democrats should be radical democrats. In
an other word , every body should do their duties for democracy to be
radically defended and for democracy to be implemented in practice. If
these are done, there will be obstacle on the way of solving Kurd
Problem. The biggest hindrance standing on the solution cited is the
prejudices of the politicians and also self-seeking accounts. If this
has been exceeded, I think, the question will be solved in a short
time. The peoples do not have enmity against each other. A date of
negotiations will be given.”

Syrian Kurdish Writer Rizoye Ose: ”Human Rights and especially those
of Kurds will be accepted in Turkey. If Turkey does not the rights of
the Kurds, It will not pay attention to the accession of the EU, at
all. Turkey should approve these rights to be able feel itself from
the soul of EU. If Turkey is sincere, it should accept the dues but,
if play a trick, won’t admit. If the Turkish state wants to show that
it is from the soul of EU, it will approach democracy, human rights
and Kurd Question in a positive manner. The EU soul already has human
rights. If Turkey fulfills the requirements, the date will be given.

Author Tuncay Akgun: ”I am in favor of the accession of Turkey to
Europe, which will be nice, if happen. Some hindrances may appear, but
I think, Turkey will be approved to the unity. There are some steps
taken by Turkey for the sake of democracy. I think the Turkish
administration to be important, as do the representation of Kurds in
Turkey. Here, there some things that have changed .Due to Hisbullah
terror, there was a fear of death 10 years ago. I think we should lead
to a normal process. For me, we should solve the problem here,in
Turkey. We ourselves should do.”

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress