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OSCE envoy praises Armenia’s democratic record, says much to be done

OSCE envoy praises Armenia’s democratic record, says much to be done

10 Dec 04


Armenia did quite well last year in strengthening democratic values,
the head of the OSCE mission in Yerevan, Vladimir Pryakhin, told a
round table at the Yerevan hotel today devoted to reforming Armenia’s
Electoral Code. The round table was organized by the public
organization Partnership For Open Society.

Vladimir Pryakhin said last year’s democratic achievements included
the modernization of the Criminal and Electoral codes, the launch of
the ombudsman’s activities, the court verdict for the person who
inflicted bodily injury to a journalist, etc. But he warned that there
was no room for complacency and that much remains to be done. The
priority task is to continue reforming the Electoral Code. The OSCE
mission is ready to support Armenia on this, but is also counting on
the assistance of the Armenian mass media and civil society, Pryakhin

Continuing the theme of reforming Armenia’s Electoral Code, he said
the right to elect members of parliament or president is one of the
most important international democratic principles. The efforts of
those involved in the process of transformation are focused on local
government elections due in 2005. Particular attention in the reform
is being paid to the principles of forming electoral commissions and
their technical capacities to ensure a prompt and effective vote
count, Pryakhin said.

Touching on the reform of the Armenian Constitution, the head of the
OSCE mission said amendments to the constitution should reflect the
present-day realities.

Kafian Jirair:
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