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`100 Days’ Press Conference of The Mayor


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
15 Dec 04

On the hundredth day of his office the mayor of Stepanakert Edward
Aghabekian gave a press conference during which he stated that his
activities are directed at a more rational solution of the social
problems of the members of the community and accomplishment of the
municipal governments. According to the mayor, though there is a
legislative basis for the activity of the municipal governments in
Karabakh, there is no clear-cut distinction between the community
property and the state property. Presently the inventory record of the
property of the town community is taken, after which the City Hall
will use its right on the inventory. According to the mayor, the
development of the communities will be favoured by the fact that since
2005 the communities will direct the taxes on property and land. This
will allow increasing the town budget. Edward Aghabekian mentioned the
necessity of solving the question under whose jurisdiction a number of
town companies will pass; these are in the town but seem not to have
any connections with the City Hall. In the context of the growing role
of the municipalities in the government structure Edward Aghabekian
noticed that the mayor of the Azerbaijani town of Yevlakh, for
example, is in the governmental delegation in the Council of
Europe. In our country the municipalities do not have an essential
role in the government. HOUSING PROBLEM. Accordingto Edward
Aghabekian, during the hundred days of his office he received more
than 500 town-dwellers. The problem of most of them was connected with
housing. 154 families of killed azatamartiks and 123 families of
disabled persons need flats. According to the mayor, in the upcoming
two years it is planned to build houses in the streets Toumanian,
Azatamartikneri and Tigran Mets. As to the high-rise blocks in
Azatamartikneri Street, the idea of building flats for sale is not
successful; only 6 or seven of the 28 flats were sold. HEADS OF
DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY HALL FINED. During the past 100 days the City
Hall received about 900 letters and complaints and answered to all of
them. `If answers to any letter were delayed, then by the department
of architecture. By the way, the heads of several departments were
fined for disrespectful attitude towards the townspeople.’ He was
surprised at the fact that the demands of the people are
minimal. `They demanded elementary things without which we cannot
live. Can you imagine that there are houses in Stepanakert which do
not have electricity supply and people still have to use oil lamps. It
is not known why the problems of these people were not
solved. Although it should also be mentioned that there are people who
do not mind to snatch away one more piece of bread,â=80=9D said the
mayor. E. Aghabekian told that the City Hall applies sanctions against
the owners of illegal buildings. `Although the parliament granted
apeculiar economic amnesty for the owners of illegal buildings, fines
totaling 860 thousand drams was paid to the treasury of the town for
illegal building.’ The mayor of Stepanakert mentioned that after
taking his office he had been surprisedto know that the City Hall owes
salary debts since 2000. The salary of 14 thousand drams for the
doorkeeper is not paid. `’I saw the woman sweeping the streets at
night with her little child standing beside her. It is owing to this
woman that our capital is known as a clean town whereas we do not pay
her these wretched 14 thousand drams,’ said Edward Aghabekian. IS IT
is not bad but the time chosen for moving it was bad,’ said Edward
Aghabekian in reference to the fact of moving the town station to the
place of the former tarmac factory. Besides the problems typical of
wintertime, roadworks are going on in Baghramian Street blocking the
traffic in that direction. Speaking about the convenience of this
change the mayor noticed that it would be better to ask the opinion
ofthe town inhabitants beforehand. `In general, I am for introducing
the institute of local referendums and I think that any step must be
preceded by the survey of public opinion,’ said Edward
Aghabekian. THERE IS WATER BUTâ=80¦ In 2005 significant sums will be
provided for the improvement of the water supply system of the
town. The sluice, filters, pipes will be repaired. According to the
mayor, the pipelines of the town pass through the cemetery, which is
dangerous. The situation is aggravating, as the pipelines are very
old. `In three years the tarmac of the street near the agricultural
college was dug and pipes were repaired for 123 times. It turns out
that this part of the pipes which was changed only four years ago were
probably replaced by old ones. Therefore, Damages are so frequent,’
THE GOVERNMENT. `The heads of the branches of power admit that I was
elected by the people and my activity is legal. I state that I am not
in contradiction with the top officials within the framework of my
authority. I was not elected for struggling against the
government. Sailing in the same ship we must lead it together not to
crash against the rocks,’ said the mayor. At he same time Edward
Aghabekian mentioned that during these three months he had not
received the documents on the reconstruction of the Victory Square
from the government.


Topchian Jane:
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