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BAKU: Ukraine, Azerbaijan relations expanding

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
Dec 16 2004

[December 16, 2004, 12:26:15]

On December 15, Chairman of Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic
Murtuz Alaskarov has received the ambassador of Ukraine in the
country Anatoly Yurchenko.

Murtuz Alaskarov has told: “Due to efforts of heads of our states,
relations existing between our countries have reached the level of
strategic partnership. Mutual visits of heads of the states, in
particular, the contracts signed during visit of the President of
Azerbaijan of Ilham Aliyev to Ukraine, have opened a new stage in
development of our connections. Our inter-parliamentary relations
also develop on ascending, and our deputies successfully cooperate in
the international organizations.

Then, Speaker of Azerbaijan Parliament has in detail informed on the
Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh conflict, has thanked the state
and people of Ukraine for support of the fair position of Azerbaijan
in settlement of the problem.

Having expressed gratitude for warm reception, ambassador Anatoly
Yurchenko has told: “I am, as a diplomat, satisfied with the level of
development of relations between our countries. We should work at the
further expansion and strengthening of our contacts. The ambassador
has said that during his diplomatic activity in Azerbaijan would
aspire to this.

The ambassador has in detail informed Chairman of Milli Majlis on
present situation in Ukraine, has noted re-establishment of stability
in the country. Anatoly Yurchenko also has told: “Irrespective of who
will come to power in Ukraine, the relations between our countries
will stay constant”.

At the meeting also were exchanged views on other questions
representing mutual interest.


Tashjian Arbi:
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