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Dutch Minister: Turkey not in EU without recognition of ArmenianGeno


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Armenian Genocide prominently present at EU Summit

Minister Bot: Turkey not in EU without recognition of Armenian Genocide

The Hague, 15 December 2004 – Dutch Foreign Minister Bot speaking about
Armenian Genocide, has declared today, that accession of Turkey to the
EU is out of the question without Turkey recognising her own past. This
issue has the full attention, according to Mr. Bot. Minister reacted
today to the questions of the spokesmen of nearly all fractions of
Dutch Parliament during the “Europe” debate.

Also the European Parliament voted today the report on Turkey¹s
accession, established by Mr. Eurlings, the Dutch CDA Member of
European Parliament, wherein at the last moment the recommendation
to Turkey was added to recognise the Armenian Genocide. As usual
the EU Summit will start coming Friday with a conversation with the
President of the European Parliament. The EP recognised the Armenian
Genocide in 1987.

The question of the Armenian Genocide will be strongly present during
the EU Summit, because of the notice of France last Monday, stating
that during EU Summit the question of the Genocide, which is denied
until now by Turkey, will be put on the agenda.

The Armenians of Europe will underline this attention by holding a
large demonstration coming Friday in Brussels in front of the building,
where EU Summit will decide on Turkey¹s accession matter.

The Federation of Armenian Organisations in the Netherlands has up
to present day insisted that the Dutch Prime Minister, Dutch Foreign
Minister and the political parties at the Dutch Parliament consider the
Armenian question seriously. The Armenians are worried about the fact
that, as signs of reforms are being shown by Turkey, absolutely no step
has been put forward on the Armenian genocide and for normalisation
of the relation with Armenia as a neighbouring country. It does
not appear that Turkey shows readiness to carry out reforms in
this respect. Only pressure from outside can bring a change in this
matter. For this reason the Armenian Federation has urged the Dutch
presidency of EU to make every effort to put down in the conclusions
of 17 December on Turkey, that it is expected from that country to
improve the relations with Armenia. This means recognition of the
past including the Armenian Genocide, lifting the border blockade
of Armenia and starting diplomatic relations with Armenia. Then it
would be possible to monitor the progress in this area, in the same
way as with respect to human rights and freedom of expression.

One and half million Armenians and large numbers of other Christians
lost their lives during the Genocide of 1915. Turkey denies this
genocide up to present. Other candidate Member States such as Romania
and Croatia have recently distanced themselves from the black pages
of their history. It is not realistic to think that Turkey will be
an exception.

The Armenian Federation believes that Europe is obliged to follow
consistently her principles. And if Turkey wants to belong to Europe
these principles apply also to Turkey.


Jagharian Tania:
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