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We Owe No One For Karabakh Victory


23 Dec 04

Following the statement of president Kocharian that Armenia is not
jealous about Turkish-Azeri relations, the chairman of the National
Assembly declared: “The Republic of Armenia is a sovereign state and
cannot be an outpost of any country. Armenian-Russian relations are
gradually developing, and Azeri president’s statement must be viewed
in this context”, Artur Baghdasarian said.

“Recently, the head of Russian State Duma was paying a visit to
Yerevan during which he said that Armenia is Russia’s outpost. We
always considered Armenia an independent state. It turns out that it
is only an outpost, and now we do not know who to negotiate with, the
outpost or its master”, Azeri president, Ilham Aliyev, said on Friday.

We think that Mr. Baghdasarian could be faster in responding to
Boris Grizlov’s, speaker of the State Duma, statement (it come on
December 15 when Grizlov mentioned about the outpost) and not wait
for president Kocharian’s comment.

Ilham Aliyev’s statements addressed to Armenia’s possibilities question
Armenian leaders’ ability to implement an independent state policy and,
particularly, the victory of the Armenian people in Karabakh.

Whereas it’s a fact that the Armenians won the imposed war also because
they believed in themselves. It’s hard to predict what would be the
end of the war if the Armenians had pinned their hopes on Russians’
help. It was Azerbaijan and not Armenia that served as an outpost
for Russia (or Soviet Union) in 1990-1991 when the Russian’s headed
the troops that massacred the population of Getashen and Shahumian
and cruelly murdered Armenian militiamen in Voskepar village of
Noyemberian region.

By Tatoul Hakobian

Boshkezenian Garik:
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