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Putin praises relations with Armenia

Putin praises relations with Armenia

ITAR-TASS News Agency
December 23, 2004 Thursday

MOSCOW, December 23 — Russian President Vladimir Putin said
“Armenia for us is a strategic partner,” in some spheres of bilateral
cooperation “we have advanced so far as we have not advanced with
our other colleagues.”

Putin, who was speaking at a news conference in the Kremlin on
Thursday, said he was hoping for further development of relations
with that country along similar lines.

“I have already recalled that we have a rather large military base
in Armenia; it functions successfully, hopefully, cooperation in this
field will be developing,” Putin said.

Russia would like to have such relations developing with all the
parties within the scope of the Collective Security Treaty, as well
as more signatories to this accord, including among the countries of
the Caucasus, he added.

“With joint work at one table at such organizations, there could
be more points of contact between Armenia and Azerbaijan, as would
between our other partners and colleagues,” Putin said.

“I repeat, our relations with Armenia are at a very high level, and
we’ll be striving to ensure their further development,” the Russian
president said.

Hunanian Jack:
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