Forum: Turkey belongs in Europe

Washington Times, DC
Dec 26 2004

Forum: Turkey belongs in Europe

By opening negotiations on membership with Turkey, the European Union
(EU) has shown itself dynamic, purposeful and self-confident. This
step underlines the EU’s ambition to cement freedom, stability and
prosperity in Europe. At the same time, we send a message around the
world: the European Union is sustained by shared values, principles
and interests, not by exclusion on religious or cultural grounds.
The decision to start negotiating, made by Europe’s leaders in
Brussels Dec. 17, has done away with a great deal of psychological
and political uncertainty about whether Turkey can be considered part
of Europe. Nevertheless, tough negotiations lie ahead on the long and
winding road to full Turkish membership. The reforms undertaken in
Turkey in the past two years have been truly impressive. The EU wants
to ensure reform will continue. Turkish authorities should do more,
for example, to protect religious minorities’ rights.

The prospect of EU membership is already transforming Turkey, and
the country’s accession will likewise profoundly affect the EU. In 10
to 15 years, an EU of approximately 500 million people will absorb a
country with some 80 million inhabitants. Turkey will have the same
rights as other member states, but its size will give it a large say
in EU decisions. The years ahead must be seized to boost economic
growth in Turkey and to upgrade the EU’s institutional, social and
economic frameworks. If Turkey and the EU succeed, we can cushion the
impact of Turkey’s membership. Fears that millions will migrate from
Turkey’s rural areas to other parts of the EU, or that Turkey will
siphon off the EU’s resources, will prove unfounded.
It is hard to overstate the strategic importance of Europe’s
decision on Turkey. It demonstrates that Western nations have no
insuperable prejudice against Islam. It will confirm Turkey’s role as
a nation whose Muslim heritage is fully compatible with democracy.
This decision also underlines the vital role of the European Union in
shaping and transforming politics and economies of nations along its
expanding border. If this decision increases Europe’s geopolitical
impact as a stabilizing force beyond its own borders – and I believe
it will – this also will benefit the trans-Atlantic relationship.
Through Turkish membership, the European Union will border on
Syria, Iraq, Armenia and the Caucasus. Europe and the broader Middle
East will grow geographically closer. This proximity will present
risks, but also opportunities.
On the one hand, the EU will find itself closer to a volatile
part of the world, in which regional conflicts, terrorism and
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction form a dangerous mix. On
the other hand, we will have a historic opportunity to build
political, economic and cultural bridges. Turkey’s accession will
augment the EU’s authority in the global dialogue between
civilizations, because the EU will be seen to practice at home what
it preaches abroad. A Europe that shows leadership and confidently
promotes democracy and the rule of law in the Islamic world is a
valuable partner for the United States.
Turkey’s accession will also strengthen the EU’s political and
military capacity to fight terrorism and promote international peace
and stability. The U.S. is right to ask Europe to shoulder more of
the global security burden. With the help of Turkey’s strong
military, the European Union will be better able to do so. Turkey’s
important role in NATO’s operation in Afghanistan illustrates its
EU member states and their citizens have embarked on a voyage of
integration, and the final destination is still unknown. But our
course is clear. We are guided by the firm conviction that people
with different languages, cultures and religious beliefs can form a
community, provided they subscribe to the same fundamental rules.
That is why Turkey belongs in Europe.

Foreign Affairs Minister
Kingdom of The Netherlands
(The Netherlands currently holds the European Union Presidency
and chaired recent negotiations between the EU and Turkey over the
decision on accession negotiations.)