Glendale: Interest low for board seats

Glendale News Press
Dec 29 2004

Interest low for board seats

Candidates include Armond Agakhani, Hoover alum Larry Miller and
parent Naira Khachatrian.

By Darleene Barrientos, News-Press and Leader

GLENDALE – The public school board race is not generating nearly the
same type of interest as the City Council and city clerk elections.

As of Tuesday, only incumbents Greg Krikorian and Chuck Sambar have
announced their intention to run for the three open seats on the
Glendale Unified School District board. That’s in contrast to the
crowded city races, where 10 are in line for the four open City
Council seats and six want to be city clerk.

“It is curious. It’s very curious,” said Patty Scripter, president of
the Parent Teacher Assn. of Glendale. “I’m hoping somebody will step
up, but it’s a big commitment, and there are a lot of issues facing
the school board that will make it a challenge.”

There are a few potential candidates, but they won’t confirm whether
they will run.

One of those possible candidates is Armond Agakhani, former field
representative for Assemblyman Dario Frommer and chairman of the
city’s parks, recreation and community services commission.

“I’m giving it serious consideration,” Agakhani said. “You will hear
something by the beginning of January.”

Another potential candidate was Naira Khachatrian, president of the
Armenian Parents Committee and frequent critic of the district’s
English Language Development program and Medi-Cal billing practices.

“I can’t answer that right now,” Khachatrian said. “We will wait to
see what’s going on.”

Sambar said he has been talking to people, encouraging them to run
for the spot board clerk Lina Harper will leave vacant when she steps
down in April. Hoover alumnus Larry Miller is also considering a run,
Sambar said. Efforts to reach Miller for comment were unsuccessful.

Scripter said she hopes a candidate with a similar background to
Harper’s will come forward.

“We’re hoping for someone with Lina Harper’s expertise,” she said.