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Tehran: Shamkhani felicitates counterparts on birth anniversary

IRNA, Iran
December 28, 2004 Tuesday 11:57 AM EST

Shamkhani felicitates counterparts on birth anniversary of

Tehran, December 28

Defense Minister Rear Admiral Ali Shamkhani sent a message to his
counterparts on Tuesday felicitating them on the birth anniversary of
Jesus Christ and the coming new year — 2005.

In his message, Shamkhani said that Jesus Christ was the harbinger of
peace, justice and freedom.

He was optimistic that peace and security would be established in the
world and bilateral ties with other countries would be bolstered with
the guidlines of the prophets.

Shamkhani`s message was sent to the defense ministers of Russia, ,
Ukraine, Spain, France, Italy, Brazil, Germany, Georgia, Greece, ,
Cuba, Venezuela, Armenia, South Africa, North Korea, Nigeria, India,
Kazakhstan, North Korea, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Zimbabwe.

Vanyan Gary:
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