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AAA: Congressman Schwarz Joins Armenian Caucus

Armenian Assembly of America
122 C Street, NW, Suite 350
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-393-3434
Fax: 202-638-4904
Email: info@aaainc.org

January 7, 2005
CONTACT: Christine Kojoian
Email: ckojoian@aaainc.org

Total Caucus Membership at 139

Washington, DC – The Armenian Assembly of America welcomed the
announcement today that newly-elected Congressman John “Joe” Schwarz
(R-MI) has officially joined the Congressional Caucus on Armenian
Issues, making him the second lawmaker of the new year to be part of
this all-important body. The news follows Congressman Raul Grijalva’s
(D-AZ) membership on Wednesday and brings the total Caucus count to

“The Assembly commends Congressman Schwarz for making membership to
the Caucus among his first acts after assuming office,” said
Congressional Relations Director Rob Mosher. “Prior to his election
to Congress, Representative Schwarz was well-known in the Michigan
State Senate as a supporter of Armenian issues. We are delighted he
will continue that tradition through his Caucus membership.”

Born and raised in Battle Creek, Michigan, Schwarz served as a
Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy and was a CIA operative during
the Vietnam War. Later, Schwarz went on to earn a medical degree from
the University of Michigan and spent years working simultaneously as a
physician and public servant. He started his political career as a
city commissioner in his hometown and went on to serve as mayor there
before entering the state senate.

Then, after more than 15 years as a state senator, Schwarz made a run
for the congressional seat being vacated by Rep. Nick Smith (R).
Schwarz won the seventh congressional district, which serves parts of
Lansing and Battle Creek, with 58 percent of the vote. His knowledge
of the U.S. military and national defense has also earned him an
assignment on the House Armed Services Committee.

With the addition of Schwarz to the Armenian Caucus, thirteen of the
state’s fifteen congressional members now serve on the Caucus. The two
remaining Members are Congressmen Bart Stupak (D-MI) and Peter
Hoekstra (R-MI).

The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based
nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness
of Armenian issues. It is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt membership



Jilavian Emma:
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