Armenian president attends Christmas service

Armenian president attends Christmas service

Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
6 Jan 05

[Presenter] All of the world’s Orthodox churches celebrated
Christmas. The Holy See of Echmiadzin is the centre of the Christmas

Thousands of believers from all over Armenia and other parts of the
world arrived here to take part in the Christmas service at the Holy
See of Echmiadzin led by Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II.

The president (Robert Kocharyan), top officials and foreign
ambassadors accredited to Armenia also attended the service. The
Christmas service finished with the traditional giving of the Blessed
Water to the believers, which symbolizes the baptism of Jesus Christ
in the river of Jordan.

[Correspondent over video of church service] The Christmas service,
according to the tradition, is gathering many believers at the Holy
See of Echmiadzin. Catholicos of all Armenians Garegin II led the
Christmas service. President Robert Kocharyan with his wife, top
government officials and foreign ambassadors and many Armenian
believers attended the Christmas service.

Unlike the Roman Catholic Church which celebrates Christmas on 25
December, to override a pagan winter solstice festival on the same
day, the Armenian Apostolic Church which is faithful to the Christian
law, left Christmas where it was and celebrates Christmas on 6 January

Garegin II also conducted a rite known as the Blessing of the Water,
after which he gave the Blessed Water to the believers.

Christ is born and risen!

Lusine Lazarian and Akop Sarkisyan, “Aylur”.