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NKR: Best Results Of The Year


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
07 Jan 05

The year 2004 is behind. What did it mean for sportsmen from Artsakh?
What success did they have outside the republic? Summing up the
success of our sportsmen we may conclude that the year was outstanding
for our achievements. Below are presented the achievements of our
sportsmen in competitions held both in Armenia and abroad.


On January 3-12 the international chess tournament `Caucasian Winter’
was held in Tbilisi, Georgia. Pupil of the republic chess school Hovik
Hayrapetian won 7 points of 9 and took the first prize.


In the third round of the world championship of extreme fights
organized by the international organization `Octagon’ in Odessa
unarmed self-defence sportsman, member of the sports society `Dynamo’,
champion of NKR and RA Ashot Danielian won the first place in the 74
kg weight category.


International chess tournament dedicated to the ninth chess champion
of the world Tigran Petrossian was held in Stepanakert, in which took
part 10 grand masters from Poland, Switzerland, Russia, Latvia, Iran
and Armenia. The winner was grandmaster Karen Asrian, from Artsakh by
origin. The second place was taken by the representative of Poland,
grand master Bartlome Macheya, and the third prize was won by grand
master Gabriel Sarghissian, again from Artsakh by origin. On March
24-29 junior table tennis championship of Armenia was held in Yerevan
and the pupil of the Stepanakert Junior Sports School Anna Adamian
took the first place.


In the sambo wrestling championship of Armenia held in Gyumri Ashot
Danielian, Narek Grigorian and Artur Mirzoyan won in their weight
categories. In the taeqvando championship of Armenia held in Yerevan
on April 4-6 Davit Saghian won the first prize.


In the tournament of the premier league of chess of Armenia
international master Artur Chibukchian won 7 points from 9and shared
the first and second places with Benik Galstian from Yerevan. The
free-style wrestling open championship for sportsmen born in 1989-1990
dedicated to Albert Dadayan was held in Yerevan on May 7-10. Davit
Babayan took the first place. Davit Lalayan won in the Armenian
national fudokan karate-do open tournament.


Championship of Europe in sambo wrestling in Latvia Ashot Danielian
won bronze in the 74 kg weight category. In the international sambo
wrestling championship held in Yerevan, on June 11-13 dedicated to
Garnik Hovhannissian Ashot Danielian, Narek Grigorian and Mavrik
Nasibian became winners.


Armenian Wushu Sanda Open Championship was held in Yerevan where Davit
Grigorian won the first place. On July 1-5 in Tsaghkadzor track and
field athletics championship of Armenia was held and in 100 and 200 m
footrace Ninelle Mnatsakanian won the first prize.


On August 1 the NKR football open championship began with the
participation of 8 teams of the republic and one team from the town of
Goris, Armenia. The Stepanakert team `Lernayin Artsakh – 2′ won with
45 points, the team `Avo’ of Martouni took the second place (39
points) and the team `Zangezour’ from Goris took the third place with
37 points. Best goalkeeper of the championship was Vitali Petrossian
(`Zangezour’), best defender Youri Asrian (`Lernayin Artsakh – 2′),
best midfield Edik Avanessian (`Avo’ ) and best forward Marat
Aghabekian (`Berd’). `Lernayin Artsakh’ of Stepanakert was successful
in the first league of Armenia winning the second place and in 2005
the team will participate in the premier league championship of


In the 37th Panarmenian Games in Teheran the sportsmen from Artsakh
performed successfully in track and field athletics. Marine Musayelian
won in the 400 and 800 m footrace. In table tennis Arayik Firian took
the second place. The NKR women’s basketball team won the bronze. In
the championship of Armenia the women’s volleyball team of Stepanakert
won the thirdprize. In the October 26-27 free-style wrestling
traditional tournament devoted to killed azatamartiks Vahram and
Albert Danielian, Artur Aharonian, Georgy Danielian, Davit Hayrapetian,
Martin Mirzoyan, Armen Adamian, Arsen Barseghian, Mavrik Nasibian,
John Israelian, Davit Barseghian, Nerses Muradian and Levon
Harutiunian won first prizes in different weight categories. In the
eighth international judo championship of the cup of Zeitun held in
the capital of Armenia Yerevan Ashot Danielian and Armen Adamian
became winners. In Armenia Georgy Danielian, 34 kg, took the first
place in the traditional tournament of sambo wrestling dedicated to
King Varazdat. Kim Abrahamian, Grisha Sarghissian and Gor Azizbekian
won first prizes in the judo tournament of Armenia in Ghyumri. Table
tennis tournament of Armenia under 18 was held in Yerevan and Varoujan
Baghdassarian became the champion. In the traditional republic open
championship of athletics of the Yerevan Sports School of Center
Marine Musayelian took thefirst place.


In the table tennis competition dedicated to Rafael Harutiunian held
in Yerevan on November 11-19 Anna Harutiunian took the first place and
Rafik Hovhannissian won the first place in pair games. Martin
Mirzoyan, Kim Abrahamian and Armen Adamian won in the sambo wrestling
competition held in Yerevan on November 13-17 in the memory of Viktor


Martin Mirzoyan and Armen Adamian won in the junior open championship
of the judo sports schools in Armenia.


Chilingarian Babken:
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